Forbidden Truth: 9/11 Science at 21 Years

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2 anos 122 Visualizações

“Forbidden Truth” is an online symposium that was held on Friday, September 9, 2022, about the state of scientific inquiry into the destruction of the three World Trade Center Towers 21 years after the world-changing events of 9/11.

Part 1: Why 9/11 Matters More Than Ever
Greetings by Andy Steele, Host of 9/11 Free Fall
Video: 'Why Is 9/11 Still Important to You?'
Remarks by Roland Angle, PE, President and CEO of AE911Truth
Remarks by Matt Campbell, Brother of Geoff Campbell, who perished on 9/11

Part 2: 9/11 Research Today
Presentation by Brian Thompson, PE, Fire Protection Engineer
Presentation by Jonathan Cole, PE, Civil Engineer
Presentation by Ted Walter, Director of Strategy, AE911Truth
Presentation by Scott Grainger, PE, Fire Protection Engineer, and Roland Angle, PE

Part 3: Defeating Deception and Denial
A preview of AE911Truth's upcoming documentary followed by a Q&A with filmmaker Dylan Avery and Jonathan Cole, PE, and then a special announcement...

0:00 Greetings by Andy Steele
4:45 Video: 'Why Is 9/11 Still Important to You?'
9:43 Remarks by Roland Angle, PE
23:08 Remarks by Matt Campbell
33:25 Presentation by Brian Thompson, PE
43:14 Presentation by Jonathan Cole, PE
1:03:36 Presentation by Ted Walter
1:30:24 Presentation by Scott Grainger, PE
1:47:40 Preview of new AE911Truth documentary
1:58:45 Q&A with Dylan Avery and Jonathan Cole, PE
2:29:09 Special Announcement