Remote Viewing
Remote viewing is not simply using psychic ability to obtain information. It is using scientific protocol to develop and extend that ability so that ordinary people can learn to do what "psychics" do.
Anybody can be trained in remote viewing (no psychic gifts required). However, it requires a huge commitment and a highly disciplined mind. Using the analogy of martial arts, you can see RV training in levels, starting with white belt where viewers can expect to see a gestalt (an overall impression) of a target. By the time readers reach the red-black belt great master, they will have gained "a near-perfect union of one's paranormal talent blended within extant reality. People who reach this level no longer have to think about it, they simply do."
Sean Webb - How Average Humans Can Look into the Future Through Consciousness - SRS #79 Part 2
Sean Webb - CIA Funds Remote Viewing Program - SRS #79 Part 1
Remote Viewing & Remote Influencing-Advanced
Remote Viewing & Remote Influencing-Basic
Paul Smith - What Makes Scientific Evidence Scientific?
Video Nugget: Map Dowsing Methodology with Paul H. Smith
Skepticism About Remote Viewing with Paul H. Smith
Remote Viewing of UFOs and Other Mysteries with Paul H. Smith
Remote Viewing Training Pt 1: Initial Phases, with Paul H. Smith
On Being a Remote Viewing Student with Paul H. Smith
Scientific & Spiritual Implications of Psychic Abilities, R. Targ
Paul H. Smith on Remote Viewing: The Original Star Gate