Joseph Campbell
An American mythologist, writer, and lecturer, Campbell's work spans the spectrum of the human experience. His philosophy is often summarized by the phrase, "Follow your bliss."
Over one hundred years ago, on March 26, 1904, Joseph John Campbell was born in White Plains, New York. Joe, as he came to be known, was the first child of a middle-class Roman Catholic couple, Charles and Josephine Campbell.
Joe’s earliest years were largely unremarkable; but then, when he was seven years old, his father took him and his younger brother, Charlie, to see Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show. The evening was a high point in Joe’s life; for, although the cowboys were clearly the show’s stars, as Joe would later write, he “became fascinated, seized, obsessed, by the figure of a naked American Indian with his ear to the ground, a bow and arrow in his hand, and a look of special knowledge in his eyes.”
Joseph Campbell
An American mythologist, writer, and lecturer, Campbell's work spans the spectrum of the human experience. His philosophy is often summarized by the phrase, "Follow your bliss."
Over one hundred years ago, on March 26, 1904, Joseph John Campbell was born in White Plains, New York. Joe, as he came to be known, was the first child of a middle-class Roman Catholic couple, Charles and Josephine Campbell.
Joe’s earliest years were largely unremarkable; but then, when he was seven years old, his father took him and his younger brother, Charlie, to see Buffalo Bill’s Wild West show. The evening was a high point in Joe’s life; for, although the cowboys were clearly the show’s stars, as Joe would later write, he “became fascinated, seized, obsessed, by the figure of a naked American Indian with his ear to the ground, a bow and arrow in his hand, and a look of special knowledge in his eyes.”
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 1 Psyche and Symbol (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 2 The Spirit Land (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 3 On Being Human (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 4 From Goddesses to God (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 5 The Mystical Life (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 6 The Inward Path (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 7 Enlightened One (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 8 Our Eternal Selves (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 9 The Way to Illumination (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 10 The Experience of God (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 11 Love as the Guide (480p)
Joseph Campbell - Mythos 12 The Path of the Heart (480p)