Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock wants to rewrite history and believes that all politicians should be required to drink ayahuasca ten times before taking office. Graham specializes in unconventional theories involving ancient civilizations, stone monuments and megaliths, astrological data from the past, and altered states of consciousness.
Graham Hancock
Graham Hancock wants to rewrite history and believes that all politicians should be required to drink ayahuasca ten times before taking office. Graham specializes in unconventional theories involving ancient civilizations, stone monuments and megaliths, astrological data from the past, and altered states of consciousness.
Gods of the Bible - Graham Hancock talks with Mauro Biglino
What Graham Hancock Shows Us Here Is Not in Any Book Ever Written
Mysterious-Origins-of-Man - 1b - Bonus - Hancock Bauval
Graham Hancock on Heavens Mirror
Secrets of the Pyramids and the Sphinx
The Quest for the Lost Ark of the Covenant: The Sign and the Seal
JRE #961: Graham Hancock, Randall Carlson & Michael Shermer
Graham Hancock - his fact findings views on our Ancient past
Monuments to Life - part 2
Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval - Evidence from our Ancient Past
Monuments to Life - part 1
Graham Hancock - The Great Pyramid of Giza