ORMUS, ORME, or Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements are a high-spin state variant of the transition group elements that occur in nature in a glass-like form. It is estimated that as much as 10-15% of the platinum group metals on earth exist in metallic form. Real alchemists don't turn lead into gold, silly rabbit. 😉🔑
David Hudson - Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy - 3 - Suoerconductivity and Alchemy
David Hudson - Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy - 2 - Monatomic Gold
David Hudson - Superconductivity and Modern Alchemy - 1 - Has The Elixer of Life Been Found
Transcript of Questions and Answers from David Hudsons Dallas Lecture
Transcript of David Hudsons Denver Lecture
Transcript of David Hudsons Dallas Workshop - Part Two
Transcript of David Hudsons Dallas Workshop - Part One
Transcript of David Hudsons Dallas Lecture
Notes from David Hudsons Tampa Presentation - ORMEs
Notes from David Hudsons Second Yelm Presentation - Alchemy
Notes from David Hudsons Portland Workshop
I am here to introduce for the first time, David Hudson, cotton farmer from Phoenix
Occult Chemistry by Leadbeater & Besant
Mark Morrisson - Modern Alchemy
Scientist Claims Life Did Not start on Earth but in Space
The Expanding Earth, Why is Our Planet Getting Bigger
Proof of the Electric Universe Theory is Everywhere
Advanced Antigravity Technology is Being Used in Top Secret Projects Today
Unified Field Theory, How the Universe Works
Ancient Forbidden Knowledge Secrets of White Powder Gold
Neutralize Radiation & Chemtrails from Your Garden & Your Body
Monatomic Gold Updates and the Giza Pyramid White Powder Gold Factory 2015
Superconductivity/Meissner Effect Monoatomic M-State Gold ORMUS
Laurence Gardner - The Grail Enigma.o
Laurence Gardner - Realm of the Ring Lords.o
Laurence Gardner - Magdalene Legacy.o
Laurence Gardner - Genesis of the Grail Kings.o
Laurence Gardner - Bloodline of the Holy Grail.o
Laurence Gardner - Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark
Laurence Gardner - From Stardust To The Stargate