Embark on a journey where the enigmatic intersects with the transformative. Here, you'll encounter content that not only challenges conventional wisdom but also offers glimpses into technologies and ideas that could reshape our world. Whether you're a skeptic scrutinizing the underpinnings of power or a visionary contemplating solutions for generations to come, this space invites you to question deeply, think critically, and envision a reality beyond current limitations.
Embark on a journey where the enigmatic intersects with the transformative. Here, you'll encounter content that not only challenges conventional wisdom but also offers glimpses into technologies and ideas that could reshape our world. Whether you're a skeptic scrutinizing the underpinnings of power or a visionary contemplating solutions for generations to come, this space invites you to question deeply, think critically, and envision a reality beyond current limitations.
The Discovery That Will Change Everything - DMT Reveals Code Behind a Laser
Alexander Eben is a Harvard-trained neurosurgeon who has gained widespread recognition for his profound near-death experience, which he recounted in his bestselling book Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife.
9/11 Jumpers Souls Leaving Body - Dr. Eben Alexander & Karen Newell (TPC #1,491)
BIO-ACTIVE Systems Dan Winter was one of the first scientists to provide evidence that the shape of the universe is a stellated dodecahedron. As a shape capable of producing the perfect fractal, the stellated dodecahedron can cause charges to scale, materialize and implode. While electric field theory has been slow to produce a model of a fractal electrical field, the stellated dodecahedron stands as its perfect 3-D realization.
Winter was also one of the first scientists to attribute the cause of gravity to the fractal nature of the universe. According to Winter’s research, it is the stellated dodecahedron’s perfect charge collapse geometry – based on the Golden Mean – that creates gravity. Only the Golden Ratio allows for constructive interference of wave addition and multiplication.
Sacred Geometry in Islam & Fractal IMPLOSION with Tufan Guven & Dan Winter
Drunvalo is the first person in modern times to mathematically and geometrically define the human body/light body called the Mer-Ka-Ba, and the Flower of Life.
--- “A bright and holy Light does shine within our Hearts and offers living hope to all the world and to you personally. Ascension into the higher spiritual worlds is not a process that only the saints and holy ones could achieve. It is for all of us who choose this path of the Heart here on Earth right now. Ascension can be realized without leaving this world, and while being awake to all that is in our Reality. The outer world is but a reflection and creation of an inner world that has long been forgotten within our own Hearts.” Drunvalo Melchizedek
Venture into the enigmatic world of Element 115, a synthetic element that has captured imaginations with its purported properties and potential applications. Often cited in discussions about advanced propulsion systems and alternative energy sources, this element stands at the intersection of science fiction and emerging scientific inquiry. Whether you're a chemist interested in exotic materials or a curious mind exploring the fringes of scientific possibility, this section invites you to sift through the claims, scrutinize the evidence, and contemplate the transformative potential of this elusive element.
The discovery of element 115 (Bob Lazar & Jeremy Corbell)
Dr. Masaru Emoto was born in Japan and is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University and the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine. His photographs were first featured in his self-published books Messages from Water 1 and 2. The Hidden Messages in Water was first published in Japan, with over 400,000 copies sold internationally.
What has put Dr. Emoto at the forefront of the study of water is his proof that thoughts and feelings affect physical reality. By producing different focused intentions through written and spoken words and music and literally presenting it to the same water samples, the water appears to “change its expression”.
Essentially, Dr. Emoto captured water’s ‘expressions.’ He developed a technique using a very powerful microscope in a very cold room along with high-speed photography, to photograph newly formed crystals of frozen water samples. Not all water samples crystallize however. Water samples from extremely polluted rivers directly seem to express the ‘state’ the water is in.
Crossing The Event Horizon "Rise to the Equation"
A Workshop Symposium with Scientist Nassim Harameim
Nassim Haramein's lifelong journey into the geometry of space-time has led to a coherent understanding of the fundamental structure of the universe.
Step into the realm of Salvatore Pais, the enigmatic inventor behind a series of patents that defy conventional scientific understanding. From room-temperature superconductors to purported over-unity energy devices, Pais's work straddles the line between revolutionary innovation and speculative fiction. Whether you're an engineer scrutinizing the feasibility of these technologies or a futurist pondering their transformative potential, this section calls you to delve into the technical details, question the underlying principles, and consider the far-reaching implications for our energy landscape and technological future.
Explore the work of Steven Greer, a prominent ufologist and founder of the Disclosure Project, an initiative aimed at revealing classified information about extraterrestrial life and advanced technologies. Greer's endeavors span from grassroots activism to high-level briefings, all with the goal of bringing purported hidden truths into the public eye. Whether you're a skeptic questioning the validity of such claims or an advocate for transparency in government, this section invites you to examine the evidence, assess the credibility of witnesses, and weigh the societal implications of potential disclosure.