Thunderbolts Project
Forget everything you thought you knew about the cosmos. The universe is electrical in nature, with interactions occurring in a cosmic scale. When you realize this fundamental principle, it changes everything.
Thunderbolts Project
Forget everything you thought you knew about the cosmos. The universe is electrical in nature, with interactions occurring in a cosmic scale. When you realize this fundamental principle, it changes everything.
Donald E. Scott: Indeed, Our Sun is Electric! - Thunderbolts
Eileen McKusick: Human Bioelectricity & the EU Model - EU2017
Stuart Talbott: Wal Thornhill on Impossible Stars - Thunderbolts
Michael Armstrong: UFO Plasma Phenomena - Thunderbolts
Donald E. Scott: The Solar Atmosphere vs Laboratory Plasma - Thunderbolts
Ghada Chehade: Power of Predominant Science - Thunderbolts
Andrew Hall: Granite Cauldron and the Electric Winds - Thunderbolts
Andrew Hall: Granite Cauldron and the Boiling Boulders - Thunderbolts
Michael Clarage: Merging Webb & HubbleGalaxy IC 5332
Donald E. Scott: Examining Electric Plasma Discharge - Thunderbolts
David Talbott: Symbols of an Alien Sky A Reconstruction - EU2014
David Talbott: Symbols of an Alien Sky A Reconstruction - EU2014
Impossible Neutron Star Shatters Theory - Space News
#9 Reason the Universe is Electric: Electric Comets
#8 Reason the Universe is Electric: Electrical Planetary Scarring
#7 Reason the Universe is Electric: Charged Planets (Outer)
#6 Reason the Universe is Electric: Charged Planets (Inner)
Top 10 Reasons the Universe is Electric #5: Pulsars - Space News
#4 Reason the Universe is Electric: Light Bulbs in Space
#3 Reason the Universe is Electric: Cosmic Jets
#2 Reason the Universe is Electric: Filaments in Space
#1 Reason the Universe is Electric: Cosmic Magnetic Fields