Information, documentaries, lectures and podcasts about one's health and wellbeing, the care and maintenance thereof.
Information, documentaries, lectures and podcasts about one's health and wellbeing, the care and maintenance thereof.
Scott Newgent From 'What is a Woman?' Shocks Media Into Silence During a Live Press Conference
The REAL Reason Our Nation is So SICK Will Shock and Disgust You
How Teflon Poisoned the World
Letter to the president about chemicals disrupting our bodies: Theo Colborn at TEDxMidAtlantic 2012
Get in the box Original Inventor Of The Orgone Accumulator, Wilhelm Reich 1939
The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV-2
Monkey Business - Polio, Measles And How It All Began
The Mask of Death, the Plague, Smallpox and the Spanish Flu
AIDS, the Deadly Deception
Sequencing the Virus, Without the Virus
The $100 Billion Dollar Ingredient making your Food Toxic
How To Update Your Beliefs Systematically - Bayes’ Theorem
AIDS-Like Syndrome Ep6 (Monkeypox crisis) by Dr. Paul Cottrell
371 - Immunity, Infectious Disease, and Vaccination - Raymond Obomsawin
They add this toxic crap to drinking water, IT MELTS CONCRETE, but it is not harmful? Liars.
Something Is In The Air - The cell phone radiation documentary
Aspartame is a creation of Searle laboratories, under the direction of Donald J. Rumsfeld, it was an accidental discovery while trying to create something using genetically modified E. coli bacterium, dum dum inadvertently licks his hands after touching the bio-sludge and figures out that the effluent (e.g. shit) from the GMO bacteria is tasty and delish. An excitotoxin, can we just say right out that human beings have no business eating this garbage?
Aspartame - The Great Dumbing Down
Aspartame in diet soda linked to health issues, tumors
Study shows aspartame depletes neurotransmitters in the brain
Aspartame linked to vision loss, cancer and other illnesses
Barbara O'Neill - #14 - Natural Remedies Part 2
Barbara O'Neill - #13 - Natural Remedies Part 1
Barbara O'Neill - #12 - Let's Sleep
Barbara O'Neill - #10 - Heal the Heart and High Blood Pressure
Barbara O'Neill - #9 - Decoding Diabetes
Barbara ONiell - #3 - Cancer Causes
Barbara O'Neill - #8 - The Respiratory Organs
Barbara O'Neill - #7 - Boosting the Immune System
Barbara O'Neill - #6 - Eliminating the Waste
Barbara O'Neill - #5 - Detoxification and the Liver
Barbara O'Neill - #4 - To Conquer Cancer
Barbara O'Neill - #2 - What Role do Germs Play in Disease?
Barbara O'Neill - #1 - Do Genetics Cause Cancer
Barbara O'Neill - #15 - The Mind
Barbara O'Neill (Australia): What is the True Cause of Arthritis and how to heal it! [12.09.2023]
Barbara O'Neill about Cayenne Pepper and Activated Charcoal! (Reloaded) [Oct 17, 2017]
Barbara O'Neill (Australia): Amazing Healing secrets Doctors Don't Want You To Know! [05.05.2023]
Barbara O'Neill (Australia): What about Cancer Causes and Treatments? [Oct 16, 2021]
Dr Burzynski Antineoplastons (cancer Cure) 1
Dr Burzynski Antineoplastons (cancer Cure) 2
Dr Burzynski Antineoplastons (cancer Cure) 3
Natural Cure for Cancer Discovered - Run From the Cure 2nd
Episode 9 - Proven Treatment Protocols - Part 3
Diagnostic Do's & Don'ts Proven Treatment Protocols
Episode 8 - Proven Treatment Protocols - Part 2
Episode 1 - Modern Medicine & The Cancer Pandemic
Cancer is Curable NOW (2011) MP4 - roflcopter2110
Episode 2 - Your First Line of Defense
Episode 4 - Your Secret Fountain of Youth
Episode 10 - Doctor's Orders
Episode 11 - How to Survive & Thrive
Cancer The Forbidden Cures Grahn (2012)
Cancer Is Serious BusinessI (Burzynski)
Healing Cancer from Inside Out - by Mike Anderson (2008)
Eustace Mullins on Fluoride and the Dedham, MA Fluoride study
Fluoride: Mind Control of the Masses
A Dentist Speaks out about Fluoride Toxicity - A Fluoride Conspiracy Against Children by Mark Kent
The Case Against Fluoride - The Corbett Report
JAMA admits FLUORIDE causes brain damage
Dr. Russell Blaylock - Fluoride's Deadly Secret
Alex Jones Was Right! Fluoride In Water Is Lowering IQ
Infowars Hidden Camera: Fluoride Poisonning In Austin Water Supply
FLOURIDE: Poisoning Water Under Guise Of Forced Medicine. Medical Tyranny Has Been Here A LONG Time
Dangerous Water Fluoridation
The EVIL History of Fluoride
Fluoridation - Cease and Desist
HeartMath Institute
HeartMath Institute empowers individuals, families, groups and organizations to enhance their life experiences using tools that enable them to better recognize and access their intuitive insight and heart intelligence.
Tools to Increase Your Heart Coherence
HeartMath Quick Coherence
Why heart coherence it's important to health & well-being.
The Fascinating Relationship Between the Heart and Brain
HeartMath Quick Coherence Technique
The Heart's Intuitive Intelligence: A path to personal, social and global coherence
AMAZING Benefits of Heart Coherence Revealed - Rollin McCraty HeartMath - TAKE A DEEP BREATH
The HeartMath Experience-A conversation with Coach Adam Ouellette
What I learned from +300 HRV training sessions... [ Biohacker Review]
Wellness Wednesday with Grant Andrew - Heartmath
How to Use the Heartmath Inner Balance? - Julie Murphy
Heart Focus Breathing Meditation
The HeartMath Experience (Quick Coherence S1:Ep4 Gaia series)
The HeartMath Experience-A conversation with Coach Adam Ouellette
What I learned from +300 HRV training sessions... [ Biohacker Review]
Wellness Wednesday with Grant Andrew - Heartmath
Herbs for Boosting the Immune System and Increasing Energy - Harnessing Nature's Power / With Daniel Vierra
Getting to the Root of the Gut and Immune Connection / With Barbara ONeill
Your Body's Defense System: How to Supercharge Your Immune Health / With Jessica Vierra, BSN, RN, MS, RDN
Iodine the Forgotten Weapon Against Viral Illness. How to Use Iodine to Quickly Inactivate Bacteria, Fungi, and Viru...
Reversible Dementia from Exposure to Common Dementogens - Part 5 / with Dr. Wes Youngberg
The Cleveland Clinic Study: Increased Risk for COVID Infection with Each Additional mRNA Vaccine or Booster - Part 6...
Genetics, Epigenetics, Vitamin D and Infections - Part 4 / with Dr. Wes Youngberg
Fact-Checking, Sugar Substitutes, Spike Protein, Gut Microbial Dysbiosis, and Diabetes - Part 3 / with Dr. Wes Young...
Hope and a Future for the Sick and Injured - Part 1 / with Dr. Wes Youngberg
The Age of Disinformation: How Science Mislead the Public - Part 2 / with Dr. Wes Youngberg
How the Pandemic Changed the Landscape of Our Lives / with Dr. Peter McCullough
How Your Mind Shapes the Health of Your Brain and Body / With Amanda Anguish, LMFT
General MMS information, with Archbishop Jim Humble
Genesis II Church and donations, with Archbishop Jim Humble
CDS Andreas Kalcker adendum 1 English
Critics confuse MMS with bleach, with Archbishop Jim Humble
CDS - New Instructions (Chlorine Dioxide Solution)
Autism Mom - her story using MMS on her child (Aug 2012)
Genesis II Church mission work- Healing Chagas in Colombia
How to fix an Abscessed Tooth, with Archbishop Jim Humble
Jim Humble- Plain Talk on His Book
Jim Humble's Touch Healing part 2 of 3
Genesis II Church European Restoration Center
MMS Protocols- The Spray Bottle protocol
MMS Protocols- The 1000 protocol
MMS Seminar and teaching, with Archbishop Jim Humble
Please consider uploading your MMS testimony, with Archbishop Jim Humble
MMS Protocols- The 2000 protocol
NEW ! CDS Clorine dioxide solution (MMS) by Andreas Kalcker
Saving Lives ( Jim Humble )
Dr. Louis Ignarro - Nitric Oxide and Disease Prevention
NITRIC OXIDE Nobel Laureate Lou Ignarro speaks at Oregon State University (MIRRORED)
This Nobel Prize Winner Urges You to Learn About Nitric Oxide
USE THIS Miracle Molecule To SUPERCHARGE Your Health! - Dr. Louis Ignarro
The Miracle Molecule - Nitric Oxide NO - MindPopper
Nobel Prize Winning Pharmacologist Explains How To Supercharge Your Health - Dr Louis Ignarro
Dr Louis Ignarro on Nitric Oxide and Heart Disease Prevention
The Nitric Oxide Signalling Pathway MIRRORED
GW Welcomes to Faculty Nobel Laureate, Dr. Ferid Murad