Information, documentaries, lectures and podcasts about one's health and wellbeing, the care and maintenance thereof.
Information, documentaries, lectures and podcasts about one's health and wellbeing, the care and maintenance thereof.
Scott Newgent From 'What is a Woman?' Shocks Media Into Silence During a Live Press Conference
The REAL Reason Our Nation is So SICK Will Shock and Disgust You
How Teflon Poisoned the World
Letter to the president about chemicals disrupting our bodies: Theo Colborn at TEDxMidAtlantic 2012
Get in the box Original Inventor Of The Orgone Accumulator, Wilhelm Reich 1939
The Tragic Pseudoscience of SARS-CoV-2
Monkey Business - Polio, Measles And How It All Began
The Mask of Death, the Plague, Smallpox and the Spanish Flu
AIDS, the Deadly Deception
Sequencing the Virus, Without the Virus
Aspartame is a creation of Searle laboratories, under the direction of Donald J. Rumsfeld, it was an accidental discovery while trying to create something using genetically modified E. coli bacterium, dum dum inadvertently licks his hands after touching the bio-sludge and figures out that the effluent (e.g. shit) from the GMO bacteria is tasty and delish. An excitotoxin, can we just say right out that human beings have no business eating this garbage?
Aspartame linked to vision loss, cancer and other illnesses
Study shows aspartame depletes neurotransmitters in the brain
Aspartame in diet soda linked to health issues, tumors
Aspartame - The Great Dumbing Down
Barbara O'Neill - #15 - The Mind
Barbara O'Neill (Australia): What is the True Cause of Arthritis and how to heal it! [12.09.2023]
Barbara O'Neill about Cayenne Pepper and Activated Charcoal! (Reloaded) [Oct 17, 2017]
Are You Keeping Your Liver Healthy? - Barbara ONeill
Why Does Sleeping Feel So Good? - Barbara ONeill
Why You Need to Drink More Water - Barbara ONeill
Do These Exercises Today! - Barbara ONeill
7 Laws of Mental Health - Barbara ONeill
BARBARA O'NEILL: Lets Talk About Soy
Barbara O'Neill (Australia): How to Heal Yourself with Natural Organic Remedies! [02.08.2023]
Barbara O'Neill (Australia): How to Heal a Psychological Mentally Trauma! - Forgive!
Barbara O'Neil (Australia): How to Heal 'Depression'! - The Optimum Health Series [3.17.2018]
Charlotte Gerson on using Castor Oil for healing, breaking up tumors, eliminating cancer
The Anti-Cancer Diet - Nathan Crane & Luz Crane
STOP FIGHTING CANCER and Start Treating the Cause
Magnetic Field Therapy For Pain - drpawluk.com
Long Term EMF Protection Start Feeling Better Today
Leaky Gut Solutions Guide - Dr. Peter Osborne
COVID AND CANCER What You Need To Know - Nathan Crane
Cancer The Untold Truth - Dr. Rashid A. Buttar
BEYOND FASTING Strategies for Extraordinary Health and Longevity
17 Cancer-Causing Chemicals in Your Kitchen to Remove Immediately
15 Proven Protocols For Conquering Cancer - Nathan Crane
5 Simple Things to Do Daily to Prevent Cancer - Nathan Crane
Counterfeit Cuisine: Dr. Eric Berg Reveals 10 Food Frauds Endang
Immortal Eats: 20 Non-Perishable Foods Amish Families Store!
Switching from Carnivore to Animal diet
Discover the Best Cookware: Beyond Non-Stick Pans
Uncover the Truth: Your Guilty Pleasure Binge-Watch!
You Will NEVER Want Sugar Again After Watching This
Should you worry about high cholesterol? With Aseem Malhotra
Lab Meat. The $1 Trillion Ugly Truth
Dairy: good or bad for humans?
Why You Should Drink Carbonated Water
Dr. Peterson Pierre
A highly respected authority in medical as well as cosmetic dermatology, Dr. Peterson Pierre is recognized for attending to patients overall health, not just beauty. Certified by the American Board of Dermatology, he received his medical degree and completed specialty training in dermatology at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Daily Dose: 'COVID Jab Risks in Children' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'Vaccine Status Discrimination' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'Is the RSV Shot Worth The Risk?' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'Mask Mandates Set to Return' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'COVID Shot Death Toll' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'New-Onset Psychosis with COVID Shots' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'The ONS Lied About COVID Vax Deaths' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'Important Legal Wins' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'COVID Vax Mandate Unconstitutional' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'State Bans on Fake Meat' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'Myocarditis After COVID Shots' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Daily Dose: 'Kansas Sues Pfizer' with Dr. Peterson Pierre
Shocking Govt Report Reveals Fluoride Lowers IQ in Children
The Satanic Evil History of Fluoride! Follow the Fucking Money! (Reloaded) [Feb 5, 2023]
(Must Watch)The Truth about Fluoride Deception (Documentary)
Fluoridation - Cease and Desist
The EVIL History of Fluoride
FLUORIDE - Poison on Tap documentary filmmaker Paul Wittenberger interviewed by Mike Adams
Documentary: Fluoride ~ Poison on Tap
Dangerous Water Fluoridation
Where Flouride comes from
FLOURIDE: Poisoning Water Under Guise Of Forced Medicine. Medical Tyranny Has Been Here A LONG Time
Infowars Hidden Camera: Fluoride Poisonning In Austin Water Supply
HeartMath Institute
HeartMath Institute empowers individuals, families, groups and organizations to enhance their life experiences using tools that enable them to better recognize and access their intuitive insight and heart intelligence.
Wellness Wednesday with Grant Andrew - Heartmath
Wellness Wednesday with Grant Andrew - Heartmath
Heart Focus Breathing Meditation
Heart Focus Breathing Meditation
Tools to Increase Your Heart Coherence
The HeartMath Experience (Quick Coherence S1:Ep4 Gaia series)
How to Use the Heartmath Inner Balance? - Julie Murphy
How to Use the Heartmath Inner Balance? - Julie Murphy
What I learned from +300 HRV training sessions... [ Biohacker Review]
What I learned from +300 HRV training sessions... [ Biohacker Review]
The HeartMath Experience-A conversation with Coach Adam Ouellette
How Your Mind Shapes the Health of Your Brain and Body / With Amanda Anguish, LMFT
The Age of Disinformation: How Science Mislead the Public - Part 2 / with Dr. Wes Youngberg
Hope and a Future for the Sick and Injured - Part 1 / with Dr. Wes Youngberg
Fact-Checking, Sugar Substitutes, Spike Protein, Gut Microbial Dysbiosis, and Diabetes - Part 3 / with Dr. Wes Young...
Genetics, Epigenetics, Vitamin D and Infections - Part 4 / with Dr. Wes Youngberg
The Cleveland Clinic Study: Increased Risk for COVID Infection with Each Additional mRNA Vaccine or Booster - Part 6...
Reversible Dementia from Exposure to Common Dementogens - Part 5 / with Dr. Wes Youngberg
Iodine the Forgotten Weapon Against Viral Illness. How to Use Iodine to Quickly Inactivate Bacteria, Fungi, and Viru...
Your Body's Defense System: How to Supercharge Your Immune Health / With Jessica Vierra, BSN, RN, MS, RDN
Getting to the Root of the Gut and Immune Connection / With Barbara ONeill
Herbs for Boosting the Immune System and Increasing Energy - Harnessing Nature's Power / With Daniel Vierra
Universal Antidote: The science and story of Chlorine Dioxide
The Fundamentals for using MMS MMS Miracle mineral supplement - Jim, Humble
Jim Humble - The Story Behind Miracle Mineral Supplement
The Miracle Mineral Supplement Guide
List of uses - MMS Miracle mineral supplement - Jim, Humble
How to make chlorine dioxide
Psycho-Oncology - The 6 Phases of Cancer
The Miracle Mineral Supplement of the 21st Century, cancer MMS02