For every disease, there exists a cure in nature, and often, by eliminating toxic substances from diet, can the process of dis-ease be reversed.
For every disease, there exists a cure in nature, and often, by eliminating toxic substances from diet, can the process of dis-ease be reversed.
Immortal Eats: 20 Non-Perishable Foods Amish Families Store!
Lab Meat. The $1 Trillion Ugly Truth
The BEST 7 Foods to Clean Out Your Liver
The Fasting Drink List: Dr. Berg's Guide to What You Can Drink During Fasting
Secret Ingredients (2018)
Simply Raw - Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days
The Secrets of Sugar - the fifth estate
Nourishing Traditional Diets - The Key to Vibrant Health 03
Nourishing Traditional Diets - The Key to Vibrant Health 02
Counterfeit Cuisine: Dr. Eric Berg Reveals 10 Food Frauds Endang
You Will NEVER Want Sugar Again After Watching This
Why You Should Drink Carbonated Water
Might Want to Think Twice Before Eating Oatmeal
What Happens When You Eat 2 TBSP of Olive Oil Daily
What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Sugar for 14 Days
Take 2 TABLESPOONS before Bed for Perfect Blood Sugars
The Proven Benefits of Prolonged Fasting: 7 Critical Things You Need to Know
THIS is the Most Powerful ADAPTOGEN in The World - How it Works and Why it's THE BEST
The Incredible Impact of Eating Eggs Daily Dr. Berg's Top Reasons for Doing It
23 Signs Your Body Needs More Nutrients: How to Address the Deficiencies
DRINK 1 CUP PER DAY to Remove Fat from Your Liver - Dr. Berg
Mikhalia Peterson
Mikahila is someone who participates in and speaks highly of the lion diet, which she says she tried after being chronically ill for 23 years followed by two more years of withdrawal from SSRIs (antidepressants) which she seemingly stopped without the aide of a medical professional. Source: Instagram/@mikhailapeterson
Q&A: 5 Year Carnivore (Lion Diet) Anniversary - EP 172
Carnivore Diet FAQ with Shawn Baker 167
TEDx Wouldn't Post This...
Mikhaila Petersons Oxford Union Debate on Meat
Top Carnivore Diet Doctor Tips - Ken Berry - MP Podcast #117
Mikhaila Peterson - 'Don't Eat That'
Paul Saladino MD
I’m obsessed with understanding what is needed for optimal health, and what is making us so sick in the world today. I’m also obsessed with living the most radical life possible, and the Fundamental Health Podcast is my vehicle for exploring these fascinating topics. I explore this in the Fundamental Health podcast.
Switching from Carnivore to Animal diet
Discover the Best Cookware: Beyond Non-Stick Pans
Uncover the Truth: Your Guilty Pleasure Binge-Watch!
Should you worry about high cholesterol? With Aseem Malhotra
Dairy: good or bad for humans?
The best labs to get and how to interpret them
Is fasting worth it? With Georgi Dinkov
Why PEANUT BUTTER is one of the worst foods with Dave Asprey
Oxalates are ruining your health with Sally Norton
James DiNicolantonio: supplementation and nutrient deficiencies, eggs vs. bagels, creatine and diet