2017 Deagle Website Estimating Depopulation by 2025.

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It shows a die off in the USA of over 200 million people. They refer to it as migration. However, people don't need millions of big black plastic FEMA coffins to migrate in now do they? I remember going to this website (in 2015) and seeing this prediction with my own eyes and laughing this off as not possible. I no longer feel that way.
This video was made before the links he speaks of in the video were removed or changed. The website had so many hits that pages were removed and even the explanation as to why this would happen to the USA was altered.
You may or may not be able to get to the Deagle.com website at all, but even if you do the information you see has been removed or altered. It was there and these are the real pages from years past. As I said I saw this many years ago.
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