The Notorious Banned FOX 9-11-2001 Footage: Israeli/Mossad Links

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2 années 355 Vues
This was aired then immediately banned and removed from the Fox archives right after 9-11, a lot have people still have never seen it and is a must for the first .

Check this out, Israeli´s partying & dancing when NY is under shock on 911! This report was on CNN.

9/11, links to Israel, the mossad, and the crime within a crime is all discussed with Christopher Bollyn in an uncensored discussion with Sean Stone.

The Israeli spy agency Mossad is trying to cover its tracks as the real perpetrator of the September 11, 2001, terror attacks by hyping a congressional report that .

From Tuesday September 11th, 2001, FOX News Coverage - Coverage runs from 6:00 P.M E.D.T - 12:00 A.M E.D.T - In memory of the 2974 victims killed that .