WHERE'S THE DOUGH JOE? Hundreds of Billions Missing from stimulus

Enthéos FAN Photo

Enthéos FAN
1 rok 7 Zobrazení

Vice President Joe Biden (AKA Prince Valium) was put in charge of the largest Stimulus package in history to that point and most of the money is unaccounted for. WHERE'S THE DOUGH JOE? #WheresTheDoughJoe

ENTHEOS ON TRUTH https://truthsocial.com/ @ENTHEOS

ENTHEOS ON TELEGRAM https://t.me/RealEntheos


$3.5 Billion Missing, Obama Administration Covered Up https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/3-5-billion-missing-obama-administration-covered-up/

UNCOVERED: Obama Secretly Sent Additional $1.3 BILLION To Iran https://thefederalistpapers.org/us/uncovered-obama-secretly-sent-additional-1-3-billion-to-iran

6 Billion Vanishes From State Dept. Under Hillary Clinton https://www.judicialwatch.org/6-bil-vanishes-from-state-dept-under-hillary-clinton/

$21 trillion of unauthorized spending by US govt discovered https://usawatchdog.com/missing-21-trillion-means-federal-government-is-lawless-dr-mark-skidmore/

Missing $1.8 Billion in Aid Linked to Corrupt Oligarch Who ‘Bankrolled’ Ukraine Revolution https://tennesseestar.com/2020/02/09/report-missing-1-8-billion-in-aid-linked-to-corrupt-oligarch-who-bankrolled-ukraine-revolution/