CABIRIA - 1914 Giovanni Pastrone HD restored UNCUT

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CHECK OUR HOMEPAGE TO SEE WHAT WE HAVE FOR YOU : https: channel UCibBDv95TPXkcdptXWigeMQ featured Little Cabiria goes missing with her nurse after a volcano erupts. Kidnapped by pirates the little girl is sold on the slave market in Carthage. She is bought by the high priest Karthalo who wants to sacrifice her to the god Moloch. The script is very loosely based on the novel Salambo by Gustave Flaubert. Cabiria is a colossal genre film or peplum by Giovanni Pastrone who signed under the pseudonym Piero Fosco released on 18 April 1914 and set in Rome during the Second Punic War In 1914 Italy dominated the world film industry relying on the prestige of the colossal a type of cinema with a long running time and spectacular staging. The success of Enrico Guazzoni s Quo vadis 1913 which lasted over two hours prompted Giovanni Pastrone s Itala Film production company which had already made The Fall of Troy in 1910 to embark on the largest blockbuster film to date. Cabiria est un film de genre colossal ou p plum de Giovanni Pastrone qui signait sous le pseudonyme de Piero Fosco sorti le 18 avril 1914 et se d roulant Rome pendant la deuxi me guerre punique. La petite Cabiria dispara t avec sa nourrice apr s l ruption d un volcan. Kidnapp e par des pirates la petite fille est vendue sur le march aux esclaves de Carthage. Elle est achet e par le grand pr tre Karthalo qui veut la sacrifier au dieu Moloch. Gr ce l intervention du Romain Fulvius et de son esclave Maciste et apr s bien des vicissitudes elle est lib r e lorsque Carthage est vaincue par Rome. Le sc nario est tr s librement inspir du roman Salambo de Gustave Flaubert. En 1914 l Italie domine l industrie cin matographique mondiale en s appuyant sur le prestige du colossal un type de cin ma longue dur e et la mise en sc ne spectaculaire. Le succ s de Quo vadis d Enrico Guazzoni 1913 qui dure plus de deux heures incite la soci t de production Itala Film de Giovanni Pastrone qui avait d j r alis La Chute de Troie en 1910 se lancer dans le plus grand film succ s jamais r alis . CHECK OUR HOMEPAGE ON YOUTUBE TO SEE EVERYTHING WE HAVE FOR YOU : https: watch v Skm44PBXxtA ARGONOTA is a kind of Film library with detailed information and something else.... Please support us by subscribing sharing the videos and to know about the latest uploads ARGONOTA est une sorte de Filmoth que avec informations d taill es et 2 ou 3 trucs en plus... Soutenez-nous en vous abonnant en partageant les vid os et pour conna tre les derni res nouveaut s CHECK OUR OTHER PLAYLISTS ON YOUTUBE : INVENTORS OF CINEMA : https: 3GUmexj PIONEERS OF CINEMA : https: 3PXn0Ox EARLY BURLESQUE AND SLAPSTICK : https: 3xkWbfK EARLY CARTOONS amp STOP MOTION : https: 3Mt7cA8 AROUND THE WORLD : https: 3znb4j1 EXPERIMENTAL ABSTRACT CONCEPTUAL : https: 3xl5f4h EARLY MOVIES : https: 3ziKqI0 EARLY ACTUALITY FILMS : https: 3NWQUAE EARLY SERIES : https: 3zht7qK RADIO THEATRE amp BOOKS : https: 3xpBgYP BE PART OF ARGONOTA : https: 3aonk8z SUBSCRIBE