2004 Rockefeller and Cheney on the CFR

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11 months 4 Views

You have to watch this clip where David Rockefeller praises Dick Cheney after his speech for the endorsement of the free trade agreement policies in America.

It's from a John Birch Society event in 2004 on "The Free Trade Area of The Americas".

Listen to what the war criminal Cheney says at the end of the clip... "It's good to be back at the Council on Foreign Relations. As Pete mentioned I've been a member for a long time, and was actually the director for some period of time. I never mentioned that when I was campaigning for re-election back home in Wyoming"

Why would he want to conceal the fact that he used to be the former director of the Council of Foreign relations?

That's because it would expose their real globalist agendas and how they're all a bunch of war criminals. Cheney is another corrupt politician that should have been put in jail for his crimes against humanity.

Maybe him and Fauci can share a bunk bed.