Look at history for insight and perspective

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11 months 8 Views
It's times like these where we should look at history for insight and perspective, instead of listening to the demagogues and propagandists in the present trying to push us into another war that does nothing but enrich a select few at the expense of the rest of us.
The war in the middle east, which was entirely predicated on lies and CIA propaganda, is what put the United States in so much debt in the first place at a now insane $35+ trillion dollars, which is still destroying us to this day with ever increasing inflation. Now they want us to go back to war, in addition to offering billions and billions of more dollars to Ukraine and now Israel, with the people here in America continuing to suffer with the useless platitudes and promises that are never fulfilled from our corrupt leaders on how they intend to fix it, while often warmongering in the same breath.
George Bush and his administration demonstrably used 9/11 to foment a war in the middle east for geopolitical interests, pharmaceutical interests (opium), oil, and justification for the militarization of the land surrounding our enemies (Russia, China, etc) and you can quickly figure that out that by reading the Project for a New American Century, written by the very same people with all the same connections who are now trying to instigate war again in the middle east through Israel, and also against Russia via the Ukraine.
So with all that said, I'd like for you all to listen to this speech from George W Bush that started the Iraq war in March of 2003. I want you to listen and think very carefully about what he says, and how much of it was a complete and utter lie, which they all knew from the jump.
How many US soldiers died because of that lie? How many innocent Iraqi women and children? How much death, suffering, and destruction has resulted from the economic impact of that war globally? How many people became billionaires off the destruction of the middle east and all that death?
All of it was predicated on lies with forethought and planning, and the US government knowingly letting 9/11 happen to manufacture public support.
Many of you might not be old enough to remember this, but you used to be HATED and ridiculed for questioning the war in Iraq and if 9/11 was an inside job. People would call you communist, islamic apologists, or any other dismissive relevant label to defame you for questioning the government.
We are now seeing that ugly propaganda machine show it's face again in calling you an anti-semite for questioning Israel and the narratives being given from the US government on the Hamas infiltration of Israel.
If you defend the Palestinians and call it an illegal occupation, you're an anti-semite who hates jewish people.
If you defend Israel and it's right to defend itself, you are a zionist shill who hates Palestinians.
No matter what position you take, someone is going to hate you, label you, try to censor you, unfollow you, and ostracize you in some way, and I refuse to fall prey to it and participate. I'm team humanity, and anti-elites.
I don't like seeing RFK, Jordan Peterson, or other figures I respect immediately consuming the establishment narrative and cheering on war, but I'm not going to dismiss them in entirety for it either and call them names like the others do to us. I'm going to search for the nuanced understanding of why they hold that position and what is the real underlying motivation.
Is it fear? Is it religious and spiritual motivations? Is it blackmail? Is it overall geopolitical interests to protect the US in some way? What do they know that we don't?
Instead of being an ideologue who tries to divide people into boxes and then throw them away, be curious. Be opened minded. Be fair and try to hear every side out. Research history and precedent. Follow the money.
And most importantly, always assume conspiracy, because the entire world and nations you all live in were built on a conspiracy of individuals coming together for a common goal, and that will never change. See the creation of the US. See the creation of Israel. See the creation of Russia. They were all conspiracies of men.
What's the conspiracy happening today?