EMERGENCY - China Has Erupted - REVOLUTION!!!

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American, Matthew Tye and South African, Winston Sterzel lived in China for over a decade each and married Chinese women and started families there.

For years, the two successful YouTubers offered Westerners a full-immersion look at China, sharing their love for that country and offering advice to those interested in living there. They also produced hand-built motorcycles and made road trip documentaries in the Chinese outback.

Matt made this video about the arc of the previous decade with the amazing images he’d filmed all over the country. By 2019, they realized they would never get Chinese citizenship and become a part of Chinese society.

Then, tensions in China escalated to such a degree that they were both forced to leave the country with their wives and Matthew’s two infant daughters.

Now, they’re applying their unique perspectives to commenting on the uprisings against the Zero COVID policy.

While the CCP and their slaves in the Globalist Mainstream News will have you to believe that this is just a labor dispute at the Foxconn iPhone plant, the truth is that these uprisings are happening in several cities all over the country.

Matthew Tye and Winston Sterzel, who speak Chinese fluently say that the popular uprising now underway throughout China is unprecedented and there hasn’t been anything like this protest movement since 1989 at Tiananmen Square.

People are calling for Xi Jinping and for the Chinese Communist Party to “step down”, statements which would normally result in their being disappeared.

The two say that the Chinese people are not just protesting the insanely draconian Zero COVID policies, they are protesting the tyranny of centralized control and of the Communist system, itself.

Matthew says, “What we’ve been saying for years now, that the Chinese government does not represent the Chinese people, the people want freedom. They are human beings! They deserve that! They deserve everything that you have, just like all of us! They deserve a voice! They deserve to be part of the international dialogue and that’s been taken away from them…

“Chinese people do want to have a voice and they do want to stand up for themselves and they are human beings and they do deserve everything. They deserve everything in this world and they’re finally standing up for it.”

This Chinese uprising is a bad look for the Globalists, who want to impose the “China Model” worldwide. One wonders how, exactly China is supposed to rule the world with their hazmat-suited marshmallow cops?

Are blackmail, censorship, propaganda and gulags the way to lead humanity into the next era?

No and the Globalists would rather eliminate 95% of the world’s population, anyway.