Veritas World News has News and Current Events largely as pertains to the big picture including the Covid-19 scamdemic being used to bring about global depopulation for the globalists Great Reset, and related topics like the on-going saga election which was hijacked by China in a fourth generation irregular asymmetric warfare tactic, and various false flag events and related news.
Dr. Simone Gold from America's Frontline Doctors discusses some important topics regarding the experimental COVID injection.
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On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic under the pretense of a novel coronavirus that they falsely claimed had a death rate of 3.4%. More than 190 member countries of the WHO imposed lockdowns, putting most of the global population under strict martial law. Unscientific lockdowns proved to be a lucrative business model for the global elite, expanding their wealth by $5 trillion dollars and adding one new billionaire every 17 hours throughout the year. Meanwhile, the World Bank says that as many as 124 million people went into "extreme poverty," the first time to increase in decades. Were lockdowns justified? The official data for 2020 does not show a statistically relevant increase in aggregate deaths. Instead, the global population increased by 1.05%!
This first episode of the Covidland series, The Lockdown, exposes the fraud behind the COVID numbers and explores the economic repercussions and human cost of lockdowns that will echo for generations.
Episode 1 Features:
Del Bigtree
Dr. Annie Bukacek
Dr. Eric Nepute
Dr. Pamela Popper
Sarah Wallis
Dr. Garrett Soldano
Alex Jones
Ron Armstrong
David Knight
Dr. Chuck Baldwin
Bryan Masche
Dr. Simone Gold
G. Edward Griffin
Dr. Andrew Kaufman
Dwayne Stovall
Ty Bollinger
Angela Marsden
Jeannie Symonds
Lisa Haven
Bill Sardi
10. How can we live with the virus into the future? | DR PETER MCCULLOUGH
-- Early treatment with repurposed therapeutics and nutraceuticals
-- Protection of the vulnerable and elderly
-- Dealing with emerging variants
-- Long Covid and its implications
12. Questions and Answers | Panel discussion
13. A potential roadmap to recovery? | LUKE JOHNSON
14. Thank-you | DAN ASTIN-GREGORY
Following the Science?
Published by Mark Mallet on June 20th, 2021.
Everyone from clergy to politicians have repeatedly said we must "follow the science". But have lockdowns, social distancing, masking, testing, and vaccination actually been following the science? In this powerful documentary, you'll hear renowned scientists explain how the path we're on may not be "following the science" at all...
Note: at 38:53 in the video, the wrong screen shot is used of the HQC study that was retracted in the Lancet. The image should have been:
This was an oversight in editing. Our apologies.
An exhaustive look at the current science on masking:
An overview of the history of corruption and coverup in the vaccine industry:
Why and how Bill Gates' involvement in world health matters is a threat to freedom:
More moral and ethical questions on the pandemic:
Dr. Beda Stadler, PhD is considered the “vaccine pope” and one of the top immunologists in the world.
Dr. John Ioannidis, MD, DSc is Professor of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, and (by courtesy) of Biomedical Data Science, and of Statistics and co-Director of the Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS). Dr. Ioannidis is one of the most-cited scientists of all times in the scientific literature. His current research at Stanford covers a wide agenda, including meta-research, large-scale evidence, population health sciences and predictive medicine and health.
Dr. Peter McCullough, MD, MPH is one of the most cited MD’s in the world in the National Library of Medicine on medical treatments, including for COVID-19, and has served on committees to investigate vaccine injuries.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, MD is a renowned German microbiologist who has published over three hundred articles in the fields of immunology, bacteriology, virology, and parasitology, and received numerous awards and the Order of Merit of Rhineland-Palatinate. He is also the former Emeritus Head of the Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene at the Johannes-Gutenberg-Universität in Mainz, Germany.
Dr. Mike Yeadon, PhD is the former Vice President and a Chief Scientist of Allergy and Respiratory at Pfizer.
Dr. James Lyon-Weiler, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, University of Pittsburgh
Dr. Jim Meehan, MD is a former editor of two medical journals.
Dr. John Lee, PhD is a pathologist and former clinical professor of pathology at Hull York Medical School and is a Consultant Histopathologist at Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr. Roger Hodkinson MA, MB, FRCPC, FCAP is a medical specialist in pathology and virology and is currently Chairman of a medical biotechnology company in North Carolina that produces COVID-19 tests. He has also been used as a medical expert in court.
Dr. Denis Raincourt, PhD, Researcher and former full Professor of Physics at Hull University in Ottawa, Canada
Dr. Christine Northrup, MD is one of the most respected women in America on women’s health issues and a former guest on numerous television shows, including Oprah Winfrey.
Dr. Sheri Tennpenny is an expert on vaccine safety for families.
Dr. Dolores Cahill received her PhD in Immunology from Dublin City University in 1994 and is a professor at the University College in Ireland. She was a Member of Ireland’s Advisory Science Council (2005-2014); a European Commission Seconded National Expert (2013-2014) and an EC expert for over 10 years.
“Tomorrow will be better as long as America keeps alive the ideals of freedom and a better life.” - Walt Disney
It's a world of privilege, in boats that are cramped
Welcome to Disney’s re-education camp
So if your skin is white
It is time you’re contrite
It's a woke world after all
It's a woke world after all
It's a woke, woke world
It's a world of power, a world of fears
And we work long days to make souvenirs
Although millions have died
And the Uyghurs aside
It's a woke world after all
It's a woke world after all
It's a woke, woke world
There is a land where you once lived free
as a capitalist pig of the bourgeoisie
We could eat ‘till we’re fat
and would vote Democrat
If we just get past that wall
It's a woke world after all
It's a woke, woke world
We’re all Marxists after all
It's a woke world after all
A film by Sacha Stone exposing the 5G existential threat to humanity in a way we never imagined possible!
Now, I have 10 minutes. I wasn't sure I was gonna get to this stage, but I can't help but say something about this whole Coronavirus thing, if you want me to. So again, when you know Steiner, you have the answers to the test, but you have to then figure out the details. In 1918, after the huge biggest pandemic, the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918, Steiner was asked, What was this all about?
And he said, Well, viruses are simply excretions of a toxic cell. Viruses are pieces of DNA or RNA with a few other proteins they bought out from the cell. They happen when the cell is poisoned. They are not the cause of anything. And the first way I would encourage you to think about this is if you are a famous dolphin doctor, right?
And you have been studying dolphins in the Arctic Circle for hundreds of years, or at least a long time. And the dolphins were fine. And then they call you up. Fred, all the dolphins or a lot of the dolphins are dying in the Arctic Circle. Can you come and investigate? Right? And you have one question to ask.
So show of hands, how many of you would say I want to investigate a dolphin to see the genetic makeup of that dolphin? Nobody, because that's stupid. How many of you would say I want to see if this dolphin and that dolphin has a virus because it might be contagious. And that's why all these dolphins are getting sick. That fell. How many of you would say Excuse My French here, somebody put some shit in the water here like Exxon Valdez. Anybody, everybody, because that's what happened. And your cells get poisoned.
They try to purify themselves by excluding debris, which we call viruses. If you if you go to the current theory of viruses called exosomes in the latest head of the NIH giving a talk on the complexity of viruses, you will see this is perfectly in line with the current thinking on what a virus really is. I had a dramatic example of this when I was growing up out right outside our house, there was a wetlands and there handful of frogs and the frogs kept me up at night. So I taped the windows and they were in the spring it was they made a big racket.
And then over time the frogs were all gone. How many thinks the virus the frogs had a genetic disease? How many things divide that frogs had a virus? How many things somebody put DDT into the water? That's what happened. diseases are poisoning. It's one of the reasons why vaccines. So let me skip that for a minute. So what happened in 1918, there was a huge an every every pandemic in the last 150 years, there was a quantum leap in the electrification of the earth. In 1918, late, late fall of 1917, there was the introduction of radio waves around the world.
Whenever you expose any biological system to a new electromagnetic field, you poison it, you kill some, and the rest go into a kind of suspended animation so that interestingly, they live a little bit longer and sicker. And then starts in World War Two with the next pandemic, with the introduction of radar equipment all over the earth, blanketing the entire earth in radar fields. First time humans have ever been exposed to that.
In 1968, there was the Hong Kong flu. And it was the first time the earth has a protective layer in the Van Allen belt, which essentially integrates the cosmic fields from the Sun and the Earth from the moon and Jupiter, etc, integrates that and essentially distributes that to the living beings of the earth. And we put satellites emitting radioactive frequencies in the Van Allen belt. Within six months, we had a new viral pandemic. Why viral because the people are poisoned. They excrete toxins. They look like viruses. People think it's an it's a flu epidemic.
In the 1918. The epidemic, the Boston health department decided to investigate the contagiousness of this. So they believe it or not, took hundreds of people with the flu, and they suck the snot out of their nose and injected it into the Healthy People who didn't have the flu. And not one time for they make the next person sick. They did this over and over again. And they were not able to demonstrate contagion. They even did it with horses, who apparently got the Spanish flu, and they put bags over their head and the horses sneezed in the bag, and they put the bag over the next horse, and that one horse got sick.
You can read about this in a book called The Invisible rainbow by Arthur Furstenberg, who Chronicles all the steps in the electrification of the earth, and how within six months, there was a new flu pandemic all over the world. And when you invest it when you hear that normal explanations, how did go from Kansas to South Africa in two weeks, so the entire world got the symptoms at the same time, in spite of the fact that the mode of transportation was horseback and boats, and there's no explanation for it, they just say we don't know how that happened.
But when you think about it, with these radio waves and other frequencies that some of you have in your pocket and on your wrist, you can send a signal to Japan and it arrives instantaneously. So any of you who don't believe there's an electromagnetic field that communicates globally within seconds, just is not paying attention to this. And I will only finish by pointing out that there has been a dramatic and quantum leap in the last six months with the electrification of the earth. And I'm sure a lot of you know what that is.
It's called 5g, where they're now have 20,000 radiation emitting satellites, just like the radiation emitting thing in your pocket and on your wrist and that you use all the time that is not compatible with health. I'm sorry to say it, it's not compatible with health, that is a water D structuring device. And for any of you who say, Yeah, well, we're not electrical beings, we're just physical matter, then don't bother doing an EKG or an ECG, or a nerve conduction test, because we are electrical beings.
And the chemicals are only the byproduct of those electrical impulses. And I'll finish with anybody want to make one guess as to where the first completely blanketed 5g city in the world was. Exactly. So when you start thinking about this, we are in an existential crisis here, folks, the likes of which humankind has never seen. And I don't want to go out Old Testament prophet on you. But this is something that is unprecedented. The putting of 100,000 satellites in the very
blanket of the earth. And by the way, as I was gonna say earlier, this actually has something to do with the vaccine question. And this got brought home to me because about a year ago or so I had a patient who came in who was totally fine a surfer, now many brokers, he works as an electrician, putting in Wi Fi systems for very wealthy people, electricians have a very high mortality rate. But he was fine. And then he breaks his arm and he gets a metal plate put in his arm.
Three months later, he couldn't get out of bed and was total, you know, heart irregularities, just total collapse. The susceptibility has to do with how much metal you have in your body, as well as the quality of the water in your cells. So if you start injecting aluminum in people, they become receptors for absorbing increased electromagnetic fields. And that is a perfect storm for the kind of deterioration of this species, which is what we're now experiencing.
And I'm just gonna finish with one more thing which I like too is a quote from Rudolf Steiner. And by the way, this was around 1917. So there was a different time. In times when there were no electrical currents when the air was not swarming with electrical input. flute influences, we're talking 1917 it was easier to be human. For this reason, in order to be human at all today, it is necessary to expand much stronger spiritual capacities than was necessary a century ago. So I'll just leave you with whatever you can do to increase your spiritual capacities, because it's really damn hard to be human being these days. So thanks for listening
2021 Playlist:
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28
Its becoming quite conclusive the connection between Graphene in the injections and 5G
This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know. Learn the terrible truth about the rape, torture, slavery, and mass murder inflicted upon the German people by the Allied victors of World Word II. This is the biggest cover-up in world history."
"It was the most deadly and destructive war in human history. Millions were killed, billions in property was destroyed, ancient cultures were reduced to rubble--World War II was truly man's greatest cataclysm. Thousands of books, movies and documentary films have been devoted to the war. There has never been such a terrible retelling of the story, however, as one will find in Hellstorm. In a chilling "you-are-there" style, the author places the reader at the scene, in the moment. Throughout this book readers will see what Allied airman saw as they rained down death on German cities; or the reader will experience what those below experienced as they sat trembling in their bomb shelters awaiting that very same death from above. The reader will view up close the horrors of the Eastern Front during the last months of fighting and through the mud, blood and madness of combat they may come to understand how the same German soldiers, who only moments before had destroyed an enemy tank, could now risk their own lives to rescue the trapped Soviet crew inside. Readers will witness for themselves the fate of German women as the rampaging Red Army raped and murdered its way across Europe--all females, from "eight to eighty" feared the dreaded words, "Frau Komm." The worst nautical disasters in history which claimed thousands of lives, the greatest mass migration known to man in which millions perished, the fate of those wretched victims in post-war death camps and torture chambers, these and many other dark secrets of World War II now come to light in Hellstorm."
we are going to explore the story of a cult that was suspected of international human trafficking in 1987. The Finders cult was a young group of men, women, and children who claimed to be nothing more than former hippies living an alternative lifestyle and practicing alternative parenting. The Finders were founded by a mysterious man with military connections nicknamed “The Game Caller” who believed in turning his life, and the lives of those around him, into a constant game or experiment.
Although more than 30 years have passed since The Finders made their way to the front page of newspapers all over the United States, questions still remain. Did the Game Caller’s games involve trafficking of children? What exactly were the finders finding? Why did this story make mainstream headlines and then disappear in less than a week? Was the story part of the “moral panic” of the 1980’s, or something more? We will answer these questions, and most importantly, we ask,
Who Will Find What The Finders Hide?
As we examine the story of The Finders cult i want to make all of our readers aware that everything in this investigation is documented and can be confirmed by looking at our sources. This story deals with accusations of Satanic activity, child trafficking, and intelligence operations. We take these claims seriously and went to great lengths to confirm the information we are about to present to you.
Do not search for the terms discussed in this video on Yandex or elsewhere as you could be committing a crime. The findings have been reported to authorities and the research supervised by legal counsel. No illegal imagery is shown do not contact or harass anyone mentioned.
After thinking for a while on how to best disseminate the information I've received.
I've settled on dropping this particular discovery and its own shorter video. The problem now is that people now know that I am interested in in Los glubb photos, and the rest of the leads and new testimonies will be in part three, and then they made each little boy in turn, come up and stab him.
I'm doing this because I consider this finding a bit more time sensitive. And I've already received veiled threats, and attempts to hack my social media.
I knew I might receive some trolls when giving out an email and asking for information, which on one hand, has proven remarkably useful.
But I wasn't prepared for how sophisticated some of these phishing attempts would be. While some are, of course, benign spam attempts that we all get. Others seem designed solely to intimidate, like trying to reset my Twitter password, or calling my phone, but not saying anything. Among the threats I've received was this one, quote, you have no idea what you were getting into here, or what kind of danger you are in. Think enemy of the state means arrival, stay far away from and then it shows my location.
Let's assume for a second that this person is not a troll. And they really do know something I don't. Well then what is it exactly that I'm getting into here? What is it that I'm in danger of looking into it appeared that this girl was one of many a former Scotland Yard detective John Legere was part of a small team investigating sex abuse allegations. In London, we had dozens of young kids aged from nine to 14 years old, not when officer Where's your quote, dug too deep. He was given a similar warning. I was broke before someone who is now a very, very high ranked officer in the UK indeed. And he said you will be thrown to the wolves you have no idea who and what you are dealing with. He said I'm warning you now you must back away.
Although it can be disconcerting. And at times, I do wonder if what I'm doing here is even worth it. As of now, I have no intention of stopping.
Now, the new information you're about to see, the sensibly involves Tom Hanks. First of all, it looks like an ad for Chevy.
Whether or not Hanks is aware of any of this remains to be seen. Nonetheless, some of the images he's posted to his social media are not only relevant to the findings, it's how they were discovered.
The person who provided this tip wishes to remain anonymous, under the alias of Veritas fought your
butt why Tom Hanks, an actor I've loved since I was a kid, a man whose films are consistently inspirational, influential and iconic. This is true. But it's also true that recently, a new range of theories have begun to emerge showing a different side to the Hollywood actor.
Many of the claims are unfounded and nonsensical. I'm not saying they're all bullshit, but as I did with part one, no theories will be given just information and context.
So one reason some have recently changed their perspective of Hanks surrounds the testimony of a former Hollywood actor, Isaac Kappy.
I'm not going to talk about Tom Hanks either who is also a pedophile Tom Hanks folks is a pedophile sorry to do I'm sorry if this is the kind of bursting your bubble all this information is new, I say claimed that within Hollywood, a high society is involved in child trafficking. Yeah, Tom Hanks, Tom fucking Hanks guys. pedophile. called out no response information he claimed was privy to because of his time spent among him
Hollywood's gentility I'm in their source code. These people are being taken up north to San Francisco, some sort of r&d project for new Terminator and this Make no mistake. This is a cult. There is a widespread cult that is worldwide. By the way, the proof is in the fucking pudding. If I'm lying to me, Sue me. Great. Let's go to court let's have discovery as copies following grew. He took measures to ensure his safety, one of which he alleged, included a quote, dead man's switch. What does that do? It means they can't kill me, which is good because I like to stay alive. A Deadman switch is uh, basically it's like, if you die then like stuff happens. Okay, like information goes out, they can try to kill me.
You know, good luck with that many expected Cappy to continue expanding upon his testimony. Instead, he uploaded one of his final videos. My anger at these people. These people my anger consumed me. Did I lie about South Korea? No, South Korea is a pedophile. Am I afraid of something? Well, I shouldn't be because bad things are coming my way. Three days later, Cappy was found dead in what local authorities assert was a suicide.
It's worth noting that copy was asked here if you currently felt suicidal. I'm not suicidal. I'm not suicidal. purportedly, Cappy jumped from that bridge, and was hit by a truck. Soon after, a controversial video began making its rounds on the internet.
You promised you want to hurt my mom and dad. If I came back. Right.
A woman named Sarah Ruth ashcraft accused Tom Hanks of purchasing her from her father for sex. She claims to have been abused most of her childhood depersonalized a lot of this really ugly test. Glad it's been done about. Nobody should have to look back on their childhood memories and realize that the things that they thought were just meaningless and innocent or anything but that - nobody should have to discover these things about their own life.
I noticed you have this obsession, obsession on Instagram with lost gloves? Well, it's lost objects but it started with loss gloves. And I first of all there's a story behind them all what happened what happened to its mate? How did this little glove get lost? is some someone going to keep the other glove at home on the off chance or they're going to pair it up? It's it's a little bit of you know Romeo and Juliet kind of quality to it. There's a you seem there's a little bit of a hint of sadness to these. It's like it's telling you a tale but you don't know what the tale of bittersweet city adventure. Let's take a look at some of these. I want to put this up. This is one you took. And now Well, I mean, what's going on here? Why does this what is so evocative to you? Well, first of all, I don't touch them. I just see them and I photographed and so I had diagnosed your DNA on the Well yeah. It could be a crime.
Let's not give the cops a break.
Notice that in this image, we see another glove, but this time, we also see letters.
Look closely and spell them out for yourself.
What does the top row spell?
s r, c.
What does the bottom row spell?
U, S, A
Hey, here's what happens when you run a search for SRC USA on DuckDuckGo.
Shows nothing out of the ordinary.
The same goes for the images tab.
The same also goes for Google.
The trailer update video I uploaded prior, I provided tips for independent researchers to use. Among those was to utilize multiple search engines, including the Russian search engine, Yandex. It's important to understand that just like Google, or Bing, Yandex, does not show child pornography. And it's not to be confused with the dark web search engine, many of which lead to an array of CP no matter what you type in. And part three, will attempt to expose an apparent distributor who operates within these networks. Back to Yandex. To further emphasize how similar Yandex is to Google, here are some control searches. When typing kids.
The same goes for any other mixture of src. So if we search, RCS,
and some others,
all of them are fine.
But what happens if we type in SRC USA.
In part one, I showed how the term bH kids was almost certainly a pedophile code, as it revealed indecent images of children on Google, some of which cryptically, but there are some who claimed I was making the mistake pointing to the German use of bH, which means bra. This definitely hopes to explain why quote, bra was found next to many of the images, but it does not explain the bH kids logo on the Vietnamese YouTube channel, where I found that term in the first place. Furthermore, one of the most suggested images bH kids pulled up was this young girl who have chosen to pixelate given that the image has already been printed onto a foreign newspaper. Now, if Google's suggestion of this image only had to do with the German word for bra tight next to kids and not potentially indicative of a larger operation, then how do you explain this?
All day yesterday during the shoot, pizza slide blog. Is that fun for you?
The term SRC, which is typically short for source, or searched appears to act in this case as a kind of algorithmic glue for online predators on Yandex. These images are then collected and shared on your index profiles.
Disturbing amounts of illegal child exploitation imagery are currently being catalogued and shared by predators on Russia's Yandex search engine terms like SRC, USA. src
Kids, SRC boys all surfaced images of children in varying degrees of dress many with sexually explicit tags and comments. The Yandex child pornography problem exemplifies the failure of big tech to effectively resolve an issue which could easily be fixed by blocking or cleaning up those queries. It's entirely possible that Tom Hanks has no connection to the term, but it would have been misleading, even dishonest if I didn't include that this image was how the apparent code was discovered. Additionally, because it included Tom Hanks leaving out the testimonies of Isaac and Sara would have also left out information we felt was pertinent and it's up to you to decide the authenticity of their claims. But what I find most bizarre is that apparently, in general, Yandex knows this is a problem. whether or not they're aware of the specifics in this documentary remains to be seen, but it does appear they're knowledgeable of their engines failure to eliminate images showing child sexual abuse, which begs the question, why aren't they fixing?
I was an information technology specialist and Wesker 25 Bravo in the US Army, and for a few years I was stationed in the region beneath Pacific Command. During this time, my primary job was monitoring network traffic on what's known as sipper net, or the network for the God that is responsible for transmitting any level of classified information, some classified secret top secret, top secret that was compartmentalised information. And that was the network where I, either early 2019 or late 2018 started to see a massive spike in abnormal communications between authorized users within Pacific commands to authorized users with IP addresses that I could recognize 100% of the time, as belonging to Pentagon employees either uniformed contractors, civilian employees, intelligence officials, something of that nature, and a lot of these communications were related to picking up underage prostitutes. In particular, around certain parts of Tokyo as well as the Philippines, in certain regions and South Korea. It's never once on an unclassified network, emails, communications, live chats regarding trading child pornography, engaging in prostitution. And generally speaking, the receiving end was an IP that was attached to the Pentagon in some way, shape or form. I forwarded this information off to my supervisor, we've got social security issues, the RV sort of federal law enforcement day investigators big crimes like felonies, and almost the time with DUIs handed over some more documentation regarding what I found and how specifically this stuff was discriminating. And I still have yet to receive any updates.
Before we get to the new findings, consider what you just heard testimony from an army veteran alleging to have observed high ranking military officials trading child pornography over top secret channels. This does not appear to be the first time this has happened to the Pentagon.
In parts one and two, I opted against providing arguments or giving too much of my opinion. This was a mistake, because it led to some confusion. So expect some light unpacking here and there. What you're about to see are some new findings regarding pizza gate, which are disturbing, to say the least. But they're also eye opening. If you still think pizza gate is debunked, hopefully this video will challenge you. But first, the exploration of these pedophile networks and their apparent use of cryptography.
This is an FBI bulletin, and it details symbols used by organized pedophiles and it was published by WikiLeaks in 2007. There are some people who think this document is bogus. These people are wrong. Because the pedophiles who created these symbols did so a decade before this FBI bulletin was leaked. The Origins could be a bit further back Of course, but officially speaking, the quote boy lover logo was copyrighted in 1997. evidence for this can be found on boy, a group of pedophiles who refer to their most prominent symbol this symbol as a quote spiring. These symbols are also in a 2006 New York Times article, but in black and white. Some of these pedophiles have even created, quote art to symbolize their evil deviances.
According to boy wiki, modifications and variations of these symbols will be tolerated and indeed are encouraged. While this FBI bulletin has definitely helped researchers locate potential networks It's also made a lot of people insane. For many have emailed me about this actualized YouTube Channel. In this episode, I want to lay out the core principles of, asserting that he's a pedophile, or very likely a pedophile. The reason they give is because of his logo. It is pretty similar. I can certainly understand why many felt the need to send this to me. But here's the problem. If you see one of these pedophile symbols on a children's program, or a children's toy, secret language used by pedophiles, so
how in the world did it end up on a souvenir toy?
Then, of course, that in and of itself is a problem because it could potentially give people pedophiles, especially the wrong idea. But in the case of, is there anything else we can point to? besides just the symbol that warrants suspicion? Is his channel made for kids? Is he a convicted pedophile? Has anyone come forward alleging abuse? Is there anything? The answer is no. So if we cannot pair the symbol with something, then we effectively have nothing. We certainly don't have enough to constitute some kind of investigation. Right? Someone sent me an image of Jojo Siwa. She's a famous youtuber with a painted heart on her face. They suggested maybe she was being groomed, because the girl lover symbol is also a heart right? But these hearts don't look anything alike. With the exception of child's lover, every one of these symbols emphasizes a spiral like characteristic, none of which are present here. Okay, we have to be able to draw hearts or see hearts without equating them to sex trafficking. It also doesn't help that the little boy lover symbol, for instance, is a relatively common thing to draw especially for children. But this was done by design. These pedophiles wanted the little boy lover logo to appear like a little boy's scroll. In 2008, flyers were released in New Britain Connecticut, warning neighbors that alleged pedophiles john Sperling and Jeff brison aka the night Raven and Astrium lived nearby, and were dangerous.
This is the flyer that led New Britain police to 39 year old john Sperling and 29 year old Jeff person. The two men were arrested back in January for the alleged sexual assault of a 14 year old boy and a three month old girl,
They determined that Mr. brison had sexually assaulted the three month old that infant that was on scene.
So who was it exactly? That created the symbol to man accused of committing horrific crimes and posting proof on the internet.
So just because this symbol is relatively common, it doesn't mean we throw our hands up to just give up. Voodoo Doughnuts, for instance. You almost couldn't make their logo look more like the little boy lover logo if you tried. Of course, this doesn't prove anything nefarious. But we can at least pair the Voodoo Donuts assemble. With testimony when I found out that the party I was brought to was the owner of Voodoo Donuts this specific time it was traced Shannon, the way that this party was described to me is that what's happening out front is this and this is where people are doing drugs and people are doing sexual shit in the back then I see kids being brought into the back then I'm asking Who are these kids who are their parents and and that immediately drew attention onto me. Former Instagram user and self proclaimed pedophile cage openly shared his boy lover tattoos on the platform with the hashtags Peto, gay Peto boy love triangle boy love, and others. Now, how do you think Instagram responded when a user reported his account for hate speech or symbols? Well, apparently, pedophiles sharing their pedophile tattoos doesn't go against their community guidelines. And one of the accounts who liked this post belonged to a New York Times best selling children's book author and won the 2004 Oppenheim toy portfolio Gold Award.
It sold more than 2 million copies. And the first video on this author's Twitter shows him giving a quote shout out to a kindergarten. It's macaroni and cheese, my favorite food And I hope that you read and practice reading, because it will make you feel really good.
But are there any other examples showing the apparent use of these pedophile codes? Well, you tell me. Smells good. Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum yum.
That looks like a spiral triangle. Typically, a squirrel like this would or should never raise red flags. But the fact that it's right next to a spiral triangle, and that they're both on a massive children's channel, I hope we can at least agree that if this is all a coincidence, then the creators should at least be informed on the similarities these symbols have with pedophile codes. But that's actually not all. In part one. I briefly showed how the word yummy was being used by pedophiles in a sexual way toward children
having hot and yummy food around our world.
This could potentially be inspired by Justin Bieber's newest single. Leading up to his new album, Bieber posted several images of babies. Next to the hashtag, yummy publicity stunt or otherwise, in the darker corners of the internet, the term yummy has dawn a new and much more deviant Association. That said, there is simply no real way for me to know the intentions of the creators of this video. But I guess that's the point, isn't it? Many people ask, why would pedophile networks risk exposing themselves by using these relatively well known symbols? I would argue because it's a win win. On one hand, you can signal to the relevant individuals or groups. And, you know, unless you say, hey, look at me, I'm a pedophile like cage, then you actually have the benefit of plausible deniability.
They said, we're shocked. We had no idea we reacted immediately. I think this story is being blown out of proportion, obviously, because I don't think this company knew that this was a sign of pedophilia.
So if we postulate that pedophile networks like to communicate together in public cryptically, and I would argue that the existence of these symbols in the first place, really does validate this notion. And if we combine that with the benefit of plausible deniability, then the question is not why would pedophile networks use the symbols even to this day? The question is, why wouldn't they?
More than a dozen man including Disney employees are facing jail time after they're caught in an undercover sex but then wanted to have sex with the underage boys and girls.
Disney workers among the 11 Bay Area men arrested and accused of keeping child pornography. Transitioning from Disney to this was fucking easy. I don't know getting molested for fucking, from your six to your 14 seems like way harder circumstances.
Not talked about in the media at all Epstein was but this wasn't talked about at all. He's 73 years old, and he was just sentenced to seven years. It makes you wonder, all those years his position at Disney being the vice president. What else has he done? I had to dig for this story. And it's not on any mainstream media news outlet anywhere. It makes you wonder, all those years his position at Disney and being the vice president. What else has he done?
Cool boy vehicles. This man, Brian Peck worked at Nickelodeon. He was convicted of raping a child on the set. And a year later, he was hired by Disney to work on the show The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.
Seriously, you should have some pizza later.
In 2012, he was hired by his longtime friend charlie sheen to work alongside him on the show. Anger Management. We were growing up it's no secret that proves you sleeping with his actress or that or watch out for that guy. He likes little boys. And according to Corey Feldman, both Brian and Charlie had a similar penchant for young boys. citro she'd read.
Shit. I've personally heard a story about Charlie and Corey Haim, probably at least a dozen people probably in my inner circle knew. He told me Charlie bent me over in between two trailers and put Crisco oil on my butt and raped me in broad daylight. Anybody could have walked by anybody could have seen it.
It's difficult for a sex offender to get a job at Walmart, much less Disney, much less around kids. But somehow, Brian Peck was able to get both. How was that possible? I've loved horror movies since I was a kid. Director Victor Silva served only a brief stint in jail for raping a young boy and even filming something. He has since enjoyed a lucrative career hired multiple times by Disney to direct feature length films.
We ordered a bunch of pizzas and we let Sal do every weird thing he could think of to the guys who delivered them.
We ordered a bunch of pizzas and we let Sal do every weird thing he can think of to the guys who delivered them.
And everything I've ever known I've ever loved. stranded is not just a law enforcement problem. It is a societal problem and we all need to work on it together.
Again, assemble is not everything. But law enforcement is made aware of the symbology of all criminal enterprises, pedophiles included. Why did they do this? Plan International, is an organization that quote supports 1000s of children worldwide. The head of their Belgium division is Regina Deborah Bhandari.
And there was an issue in a parliament there this year live in these places where they put them why they barely feed them accommodate the movie. Shema Bell at the living room she had set up as reviewed up nappy presses modula taco notifii shivian Tamika Judith, what are you investing? Sugar divini magistra.
I remember when I was in England, we were preparing some young English boys from preparing them for - preparing them for First Communion.
Cardinal George pill Vatican Treasurer found guilty of child sex abuse the most senior Vatican official ever convicted of child sex offenses. He told the court pill assaulted them after mess forced him to perform oral sex on him.
It's crucial to understand that historians have provided ample evidence showing the full extent of Catholic symbology you can go on to the very end, and you'll never find a triangle that wraps around itself. Right. So why is Pope Francis wearing it? Why was the symbol embroidered in that particular shade of blue and of all days? Why on International Youth Day. Maybe the Pope's symbol here really is just a misunderstanding. But if it's not, then we have to be prepared for what that would mean about the world we live in.
Now, in order for this video to stay up, it's important that I don't reveal everyone's identity. Instead, I'll be showing first names, or giving aliases, and placing black blocks or entirely blurring faces. To confirm that these findings are true, visit the YouTube channel memory hole.
Let's begin with this man who all refer to as Jim. Jim is a very powerful and influential person connected to the DC establishment. According to White House visitor files, he made three trips there in 2012. Hillary Clinton has written a personal thank you letter to Jim. He's one of the founders of the now infamous DC pizzeria, Comet Ping Pong. And among Jim's circle of friends, which are many include a former Democratic super lobbyist Tony Podesta. As I see it, pizza gate is not about proving a sex ring. Pizza gate is about asking simple questions. Like why does a democratic super lobbyist like Tony Podesta have art like this? One of Tony's favorite pieces was Louise boosh swans the art of hysteria, inspired by the contorted bodies of the female hysterics during Freud's psychoanalysis, and right next to it. As you can see here, Tony placed a cardboard cutout of his apparent Roman Catholic friend. According to Metro weekly, Tony would hand out fresh pizza while his guests browsed his collections. As said before, the artists are not necessarily to blame here is the fact they're all collected by one person. That's the most unsettling. In part one, I showed this image from Instagram user Miss summer. And as you can see here, Jim commented sex. The same user posted this picture of a little girl holding a watermelon with the end of a tagline saying priceless. He said priceless isn't the word most people use upon tasting me. In part one, I showed some disturbing rhetoric from the artist, majestic ape who has performed several times that Comet Ping Pong. He likes the
sounds and little boys with his manager.
This is a music video which features majestic ape? Let's take a closer look at some of those images.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night. And how did you like that one?
According to The New York Times, this person Miss summer who we just mentioned, DJ for a DC event. In the Adams Morgan neighborhood of Washington. online magazine brightest young things said the pageant actively discourages publicity. They went on to say that quote, in the past, a media blackout was employed to protect the powerful lobbyists, congressional staffers and occasional elected officials who donned dresses for the night. This may be the best of all. So this begs another simple question. Why is a man who talks about little girls tasting him partying with elected officials.
Pizza gate is not a theory, or it shouldn't be a theory. It's simply an observation of bizarre sexually deviant and pedophilic behavior coming from a group closely associated with DC elites or from the elites themselves. Now, what I'm about to show you is much worse than anything you've just seen. credit for these findings goes to memory hold. This image uploaded by Jim, the user JB Smith 614 is tagged. The same user is tagged here by an Instagram user named geo. And here are some images from geo. In this picture, he hashtags the word choke. He posted this image of a young child with their face, pushed up against a window. Some kind of bathhouse filled with what is hopefully fake blood. geo hashtags murder. apparent satanic imagery in front of the Virgin Mary. geo posted an image of a man wearing a thong next to a young child with the comment visiting my little cousin. Here he's naked, and it looks like some kind of eccentric sex party potentially Gio leaves a heart emoji to this image of young girl. If we click on the image, it reveals that the girl is quote, professional Instagram or talent, Sonia mahabhava, who was 19 years old, but geo posted this in 2016. So that would actually make Sonia around 15 when he uploaded this, also this image could have been taken even before 2016. So that means she could be 13 or 14 years. Think about that for a second. In the case of geo Well, he was the fashion designer for the Puma Fenty boots worn here by Rianna so the same man who designs shoes for a list celebrities. posts videos like this commenting, pet harass dance in front of the church with little teams. multiple images of dead cats. geo also tagged someone who by the looks of it owns a goat farm, an animal that geo seems to really really like Chicago. geo uploads a movie trailer for a film called blossom Valley.
The film is about a couple who kidnapped a newborn baby geotag a user will refer to as Beth according to Beth Instagram, her NGO are or were a couple she commented, my pet obey a close up of geo Thai seems to support this notion. Here's Beth with a goat saying fucking killed it. I don't give a damn and I don't give a fuck. to kids pretending to be hanged. This image saying last Christmas I killed them all.
A child don't know what bat is. Sacrifice Sunday. A cartoon depicting necrophilia. A few instances, Beth looks to have incurred real black eyes as if someone punched her. Here is a spider in her mouth. Another bigger spider. She comments my kid have relationship. Here she says my uncle loves Karla more than his wife. fetish Easter ceremony last night. Here's her smiling in front of a sign that says serial killer striving for a piece of Lucifer sending nudes and eating shit and killing kids hashtag meaning kissing a ball school saying my daddy's and my uncle's. Here she comments meat diet. In this image, she hashtags EU cannibal which is apparently the name of one of her music projects.
And this was one of Beth's stories, I have to say, that looks like real blood and real bruises, right? So this infant looks to have a genuinely black eye. So how did that happen? I ran this picture through an image search, and it pulled up nothing. So it's apparently not from a movie, or anything of that nature. So there's that. In this post uploaded by Jim, we see a user will refer to as nil. nil shirt, some work on our Facebook, from an artist named Enrique, saying, quote, these are great. And here are some of the images she thought were great.
In this image uploaded by Jim, we see a user named Kev, who posted this image. Notice the shirt Kev is wearing here. The exact same image is posted here on an Instagram profile with a variant name, the curve. The curve posted an image of Macaulay Culkin a user said gross puberty gross. a store called Happy kids world. One user says I know how much you love kids. Another user, it's a says those damn kids were never happy. It's uploaded this image commenting ideal boy. This picture was posted by Jim. Notice the user CB CB uploaded a baby doll with what appears to be fake blood on it. An antique illustration of a boy tied up and about to be set on fire. A van it looks to have no seats in the back. And sealed off windows. cb says yes, it appears art has discovered there is money in human trafficking. And he also posted some art from Kara Walker. Here is similar work from Walker. So if you still think there's nothing to Pizzagate, then it's likely you believe that all of these suspicious patterns are just edgy jokes or attempts to provoke. So is this an example of human trafficking, quote hiding in plain sight? Or are they just joking? Well, I don't know.
It's because of my uncertainty that I remain unconvinced that everyone here is just playing around. crucial to remember just who these people are associated with, some of whom I haven't even revealed yet. But first. This is Nora, whose family are close associates with Jim. She used to live in DC, just down the street from Comet Ping Pong.
So I grew up in DC, which in a neighborhood that was pretty much 80% CIA operatives. Jagger Hoover lived up the road. We had it chocolates avakian safe house on the corner, and I thought I had remembered it sort of extremely but I just saw an old friend of mine and he was like No, no, you know, we our dad taught us how to make guns and make Molotov cocktails and you know they would blow them up in embassy driveways for fun and you know, it was totally bizarre, but normal and apparent CIA neighborhood. Okay. Nora appears to also believe in time travel.
As you know, I'm really interested in time travel, really Thomas Bearden Now, granted to biology and scalar time
Yeah, the person taking the video. is former CIA spy Robert Steele.
I have been a spy. I'm out from undercover.
It's bizarre to hear someone as credentialed as he speaks so definitively about the more obscure theories surrounding child sex trafficking now that we've had pizza gate, for example, which opened people's mind, and by the way that the painting that you allowed us to use as the cover for petofi alien Empire is really rockin. Steele wrote the foreword to the book, pedophilia and Empire. And Nora drew the cover. The book claims the world is run by, quote, planetary controllers, who are blood feasting, pedophiles,
we have people in the United States of America that breed children in order to sell them. And when they are sold, they come without birth certificates, which means it's easier to kill them and have no one asked where they are. We're also importing children by the plane load. Again, children who have no documentation, it's not just child slavery, or child sex abuse. It's also child torture. Because you have adrenalized blood, you have the whole blood drinking ceremony of the satanic world, all of the child services agencies across the United States of America, they did not start out as organizations to prey on children, but they attract pedophiles. And ultimately, pedophiles end up rising in the ranks and controlling those organizations. So that an organization that initially started out in the service of children becomes an organization that is in fact, hunting children.
While I'm skeptical of both Nora and steal, a part of me is preserving judgment. In Nora's case, her art and self expression is fundamentally different from nearly everyone else in this group. And then forgiveness is the gateway to forgive is to mine - to forgive is divine and to forgive is to be free.
And her contribution to a book like pedophilia and Empire unless it's their attempt at disinformation is an action I wouldn't expect from anyone else we've spoken about. Okay. Now it's time for the final thing. Now, I'm sure you remember Beth right. Well, here she is on the Instagram profile of a man named Walt. So this guy won't co manages the midlane fashion agency with a woman named Rachel see the images on Rachel's Instagram, from her apparent friends on her tumblr, continue this deviant theme.
Again, Pizzagate is about asking simple questions. Like, why is Rachel under the arm of the 42nd President of the United States. But it gets even worse because in 2017, the same Rachel, who was flying in private jets with Bill Clinton promoted these two models, both of whom worked for another modeling agency called MC two. Now, who do you think donated large sums of money to MC two? Who got children traffic to them? From MC two unsealed New York Federal Court documents allege that the owner of MC two modeling agency, Jean Luc Brunel trafficked 312 year old girls to Jeffrey Epstein, and that the girls were taken from within MC two. So it's one thing to be an edgy provocateur, or to try and shock with satanic imagery. But when you're associated with the likes of Jeffrey Epstein, the quote, edgy defense starts to look just desperate and pathetic. Frankly. Snopes claimed that the plane in this image likely belonged to either Ron Burkle, or Canadian businessman, Frank Giustra, who's flown with Clinton on numerous occasions. And Frank is the founding patron of the boys club network, which emphasizes boy leadership and has only boy summer camps. Frank is also the founder of the Elpida project, which is essentially a big building in Greece, that houses refugees. And this is LP does logo. It used to have a symbol positioned just behind the letters. Now, what do you think their symbol was before they did started to change it might have had something to do with Frank's apparent passion for boys.
For many of us, 2020 is the year we see the world with a new pair of glasses. May they help us notice and confront malevolence and bring the innocent to the light of the world.
Military will talk about things like professionalism and standards, ethics, moral and legal judgment. Until one day, kind of stumble upon this really makes you reconsider a life choice and if you consider your values, I think anyone that has an inkling of a doubt that someone is sexually abusing a kid wants to probably pound that person's face and that's the moment I was at. But when you're dealing with, you know, Lieutenant Colonel's and above, or they're dealing with people who make way more money and have way more influence with high ranking people than you do, you're also very afraid
First interview:
A more recent interview with Wilfred Wong:
UK Column Interview with Victoria Ash, a survivor of SRA, 2015:
SRA survivor Teresa testifies (1989):
Boys for Sale - media initially reports on influential people involved in child abuse, then silence regarding these scandals (1981):
This is what happens if someone tries to speak out about these networks - Dutroux & the dead witnesses (2004):
WARNING: VERY GRAPHIC! - Another witness establishing an international link regarding a paedophile network involving Dutroux:
The X Dossiers - from Dutroux to Zandvoort, justice was never served (2004):
NOTHING HAS CHANGED - Dutch Injustice System - When Child Trafficers Rule A Nation:
Rape of Children - the End of Silence (French documentary with English subs about SRA):
UK Parliament is infested with Paedophiles:
Whom do they worship? Gotthard Tunnel Opening (Switzerland):
Mainstream documentary about Aleister Crowley:
Franklin Cover-Up, pulled documentary originally made for MSM:
Pizzagate is unfortunately real!
CIA Finders - the CIA's involvement in SRA networks:
FBI veteran Gunderson about the agendas that span centuries:
Part one:
Part two:
Full program of the last snippet:
Ben Carson Discloses Hillary Clintons Ties to Saul Alinsky, Lucifer & The Illuminati.
Saul Alinsky published a book dedicated to Lucifer Called "Rules For Radicals" With Hillary Clinton did her Last College Thesis On and calls Saul Alinsky Her HERO. A DEVIL WORSHIPPER HER HERO? She IS NOT A GOOD PERSON! SHE IS Saturnian High Priest.
The Bolsheviks, also known in English as the Bolshevists, were a radical far-left Marxist faction founded by Vladimir Lenin and Alexander Bogdanov that split from the Menshevik faction of the Marxist Russian Social Democratic Labour Party (RSDLP), a revolutionary socialist political party formed in 1898, at its Second Party Congress in 1903.
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (22 April 1870 – 21 January 1924), better known by his alias Lenin, was a Russian revolutionary, politician, and political theorist. He served as head of government of Soviet Russia from 1917 to 1924 and of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1924. Under his administration, Russia and then the wider Soviet Union became a one-party communist state governed by the Russian Communist Party. Ideologically a communist, he developed a variant of Marxism known as Leninism.
The Red Terror was a period of political repression and mass killings carried out by Bolsheviks after the beginning of the Russian Civil War in 1918.
A hip-hop artist, at least according to his Wikipedia entry, who goes by the name of Raz Simone is now the de facto ruler of the autonomous zone.
1. The Reptilian Truth & Satanic Rulers: The Cabal Are Harvesting People For Adrenochrome
2 . The Abduction of Noble Dragon Children: The cannibal's of Hollywood & The Missing Kids At Fort Hood, Killeen Texas
3. Ben Carson Discloses Hillary Clintons Ties to Saul Alinsky, Lucifer & The Illuminati: Ben Carson Discloses Hillary Clintons Ties to Saul Alinsky, Lucifer & The Illuminati.
4. Enter The Pizza Gate - Verified Proof: [2020] Enter The Pizzagate: Shattering The Illusion (documentary)
5. Dragon Children Genocide & SRA: Paedophelia - Satanic Ritual Abuse Report Similar to Hampstead
6. We Learn The Plan Of The Illuminati & Cabal: We Learn The Plan Of The Illuminati & Cabal
7. The Lie NASA Told - The Imminent Demise of the NWO, Cabal, Illuminati: The Lie NASA Told - The Imminent Demise of the NWO, Cabal, Illuminati
8. Did You Know Antifa Is Funded By George Soros? Do You Know What The Socialist Party Really Is? Brief Overview: Nazi stems from "National Socialism". Nazi = NAtionalosoZIalistiche Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or National Socialist German Workers Party. This Includes The Thule Society & Illuminati that are involved with the american insurgency of today! To Learn More From Myron Fagan on American Insurgency: The Deep State Formation' 'The Great Awakening' Council on Foreign Relations Myron Fagan 1967
10. Forces Occultes-The mysteries of Freemasonry: Forces Occultes - The mysteries of Freemasonry
11. Earth: A Story of Monolithic Trees & Suppressed History: Earth: A Story of Monolithic Trees & Suppressed History
12. Thunder Energies Discovers Invisible Entities: Thunder Energies Discovers Invisible Entities
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A paper trail of documents, that are the most shocking evidence of the existence of adrenochrome; extensive and points out that this happens on an industrial scale and is part of a world wide network.
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In episode one of The Great Reset Docuseries, we introduce The Great Reset. We provide the background of the World Economic Forum and its chairman, Klaus Schwab, along with the other global elites who assisted in the birth of the organization. We explore the organizations that compliment each other, working alongside the WEF to plan and enact a new form of global governance through The Great Reset.
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Well we finally released what has become the worldwide protest anthem of the 2020’s, We are the 99%, aka ‘Stick Your New World Order Up Your Arse’ - a comedy song written back in 2013 by Darren Nesbit on waking up to the reality of the world many of you are also aware of.
Help Make "We Are The 99%" a
Christmas Number Two!
They tried to stop us - even the recording session for ‘We are the 99%’ got stopped because of the ‘controversial’ nature of the lyrics - and one distributor also refused to allow it, using the reason of ‘medical misinformation’ - as if anyone is going to get health advice from a comedy song. The world has indeed gone mad so let’s put a big mirror up this Christmas with a Truth number 2!
We are the 99% Lyrics
You can stick your new world order up your arse x 2
You can stick your new world order,
where the sun don’t shine but ought to
Stick your new world order up your arse
Singing we are the 99% x2
Singing we are the ninety, together we are mighty,
We are the 99%
The queen’ll be arrested in her dressing gown x 2
The queen’ll be arrested in her,
‘cos she is such a sinner,
She’ll be arrested in her dressing gown
You can stick your corporation up your arse x 2
You can stick your corporation,
we’re a free and sovereign nation,
Stick your corporation up your arse.
Singing we are the 99%..
There’ll be blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone x 2
There’ll be blue skies when the chemtrails,
and their evil plan fails,
Blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone.
You can stick your mainstream media up your arse x 2
You can stick your mainstream media,
‘cos the people we don’t need ya,
Stick your mainstream media up your arse
Singing we are the 99%..
You can stick your poison vaccines up your arse x 2
You can stick your poison vaccines,
they cause so much disease,
Stick your poison vaccines up your arse
You can stick your vaccine passports up your arse x 2
You can stick your vaccine passports,
we’ll see you in the high court,
Stick your vaccine passports up your arse
Singing we are the 99%..
You can stick your fracking drilling up your arse
You can stick your tv programmes up your arse
You can stick your gmo foods
and we ain’t gonna go school
Stick your Georgia guidestones up your arse.
Oh I’d rather be a human than a slave x 2
Oh I’d rather be a human,
and don’t you know that you can,
Rather be a human than a slave
Singing we are the 99%..
You can stick your new world order up your arse.
You can stick your great reset up your arse x 2
You can stick your great reset,
‘cos the people they don’t know yet,
Stick your great reset up your arse.
You can stick your central banking up your arse x 2
You can stick your central banking,
the economy is tanking,
Stick your central banking up your arse.
Singing we are the 99%.. #xl_xr_page_we-are-the-99%
Monopoly: an overview of the Great Reset.
This informative video gives an overview of what is currently happening in the world in just 1 hour.
The video shows the modern global systems, and focusses on the situation in the Netherlands.
We believe though, that people from all over the world will recognise this situation.
In consultation with Tim Gielen, the maker of this video, and in cooperation with others who strive for freedom, we translated it into English.
We think it is a very important video to share with the world, so we can change things for the better.
The maker sees this video as an open source project.
Feel free to use parts of it, add to it or subtitle it into your own language. You can download it here:
Much Love,
Vrouwen voor Vrijheid
Women for Freedom
The Netherlands
Wish to know more about us?
#vrouwenvoorvrijheid #womenforfreedom #followthemoney #99percent
“Giving away the farm” is literally correct. Bill Gates and China have been buying up millions of acres of farmland. At this rate, China will dictate what we can grow.
From this time last year, gas is up 56%, used cars are up 30%, airfares are up 24% and car rentals are up 110%. As Glenn Beck says here, “We’re being priced into submission.”
Our corrupt political class is completely compromised by the CCP. They are deliberately debasing our currency, to where the dollar doesn’t mean anything anymore.
Therefore, the banks are no longer content to own your mortgage. They want your house. They want real assets. The big pension funds are buying up entire neighborhoods and towns to rent back to you, because “You Will Own Nothing and You Will Be Happy.”
General Mark Milley publicly defends the rabid Marxist ideology that is being used to poison our military from within. The infiltration of our government and all of our institutions occurred under his watch.
Milley needs to face the full force of the Uniform Code of Military Justice and all the penalties it provides for his subversion and duplicity, as do the officers around him who are assisting in this sedition.
The Pentagon, the National Institutes of Health, Facebook and Google spent hundreds of millions of dollars weaponizing a virus to destroy your immune system and to destroy your brain with prion disease. Then, they developed a vaccine that contains the same bioweapon – only stronger – and they’ve done everything short of tying you down to force you to take it.
Then of course, the Big Tech companies de-platformed you if you raised questions about any of this.
The global COVID lockdowns have caused supply chain collapses everywhere; food was unable to be planted or harvested; food was rotting in warehouses because nobody could ship it, because everybody was locked down.
The Globalists are blaming all of this on “Climate Change” but it is a highly-engineered collapse. We are in the middle of their genocidal campaign and the Satanic elites are cynically blaming it on the victims.
Farmers, the meat industry, ranchers; they’re all being slowly and methodically run out of business…They want to destroy everything that makes America great. Why? The Great Reset…We were supposed to be in Hillary’s second term right now – and who knows, maybe we are.
Donald Trump’s presidency was a speed bump for the Great Reset but the Globalist psychopaths are bringing it in, come Hell or high water.
Glenn Beck has this report about the Great Reset of Food.
Deep beneath the Denver Airport, conspiracy theorists say a revolutionary group that calls itself the New World Order is operating a secret base from which they'll obliterate our central government, in Season 2, Episode 2, "The New World Order." #AmericaUnearthed
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By 2030, you'll own nothing and be happy about it. Why would you be happy about that? Well turn off your brain and start listening because we'll answer that question in more. Klaus Schwab is the head of the World Economic Forum, which is a group of the richest people in the world who want complete control of the world. Recently, Schwab endeared the world when he said, by 2030, you'll owe nothing and be happy about it. Wow, that seems like a win win. And he believes you're dumb enough to fall for it. And you kind of are. So here's how it'll work under the World Economic Forum's vision governments and the super rich who already control the government's will own everything. That's a win for them. Meanwhile, you owe nothing, which is a win for you, according to them, but you'll be allowed to rent things from the government that you need, like clothes, shelter and a pacifier for your baby. You'll also receive an income from the government. Sounds great doesn't that this Justin? We're already doing some of that. They're called stimulus checks in this innovative vision of freedom, you'll be completely controlled by the government because you're completely dependent on the government. I smell a social credit score,
will there be a social credit score
that requires you to be strictly obedient to the government in order to receive your meet your rations like? Does the World Economic Forum visions sound like socialism, communism and totalitarianism? No, because they're calling it something different. The great reset actually, first, let's be clear. For all of human history, socialism, communism and totalitarianism has always worked swimmingly. It's never created super oppressed and abused people 100% of the time, it's never done that. That's why you've always seen people from capitalist countries like the US, risking their lives to flee to communist countries, like Cuba. Or at least what the US used to be. and still is, kind of, but if socialism, communism and totalitarianism is so great, and indeed it is, why are some flatly skeptical about Klaus Schwab's agenda? Well, that question sounds like hate speech. So we'll gladly censor any attempt to even ask it a better question that you're allowed to ask is, how are the very empowering to the people forms of government, such as totalitarianism, even accepted by the masses in the first place? Now? That's a great question. And the answer that you're commanded to accept is, they prey on you by glorifying how great it would be if they took the burden of self responsibility off your shoulders, then you no longer have to create your own income, worry about food, or buy things, because those things take hard work. So wouldn't it be easier to let people rule over you, so they can do those things for you. In addition, they also take away people's ability to work, even if they want to, which creates further dependency on the government. It's just in over 100,000 small businesses in the US have closed because of the government mandated lock downs. It's also Justin. It's all probably just a coincidence. Meanwhile, strong people who are actually happy and successful suggests self responsibility is what creates freedom and fulfillment, which means under Schwab's vision, you have no self responsibility, which also means you have no freedom, or fulfillment. And that's a good thing, because freedom and fulfillment are the principal sources of human suffering. Justin, we think you're dumb enough to let a guy who's never smiled in his whole life tell you what will make you happier. So let's see the great reset. Now there's all this talk of the World Economic Forum wanting a socialist communist state, for the entire world seem a little far fetched, maybe like a conspiracy theory? Well, it is. That's why on the World Economic Forum's own website, they're advocating for more Marxism. And if you're too mentally lazy to know what Marxism is, that's why it's all around you already. you've allowed it through your obedience. But don't worry, the water will soon get up to a full boil if you continue not recognizing what you're willingly sitting in. Why would Schwab and the super rich want to rule over you in such a totalitarian way? That's not what they're doing, because they call it something different. The World Economic Forum uses cool propaganda to manufacture your consent they use compelling and definitely not misleading. Words like sustainability, climate change and improving the state of the world because that's what they're doing. So why do they want to rule over you in a totalitarian way while you think they're doing something good for the world? Well, fact checkers have verified they would have no motive, because it's not like nefarious people who have acquired mega wealth, would want more wealth and more possessions. It's also not like if you owned nothing, then they would own everything. Literally everything. The reality is, you'll own nothing and be happy. They'll own everything be happier. This Justin Klaus Schwab was born in Nazi Germany in 1938. See, apple doesn't fall too far from the tree now does it? But just remember, you won't be able to own apples either. World Economic Forum recently had admirable and highly altruistic world leaders address their audience. Were leaders like
Ji Jin pin, the head of the Chinese Communist Party after his surprisingly pro communism sounding address. He helped improve the state of the world by immediately having to return to China so he could continue not allowing World Health Organization investigators into his country. acclaimed humanitarian Vladimir Putin also addressed the audience so they can aspire to be at his level. Putting sustainability in climate control efforts have recently included having his chief political rival Alexey Navalny poisoned because he dared speak out against Putin after the hit attempt failed. Putin's simply had his chief political rival thrown in prison. To help improve the state of the world. Putin's humanitarian efforts have recently been elevated even further, as it's recently been discovered that he had a $1 billion palace built for himself using Russian taxpayer money when Russian citizens who are very economically oppressed were asked how they felt about Putin taking all their money to build a $1 billion palace for himself. They were quoted as saying, We owe nothing, and we're happy about it. As we at the station are big fans of the World Economic Forum. We applaud Putin's efforts to beta test the exact model for the world that Klaus Schwab envisions also on the speaker list was one William gates billionaire bill he recently became the largest farmland owner in the US. I for one feel safer with him also having a monopoly over the food supply. Now with the elites controlling free speech, censorship, whether or not you can work and now controlling the food supply. It feels like we're gaining more and more choice over whether or not we participate in a Oh nothing and be happy about it kind of world is Justin. Mark Zuckerberg is a member of the World Economic Forum. Just thought you should know that. Now. Why didn't they have President Biden's speak to their audience? Oh, I already said gene pin. It's also unknown exactly what species Klaus Schwab's DNA comes from. Most scientists believe it's a hybrid sequence of a snake in a slug. Yet what is known is that people have spent the past year being very obedient to being afraid when they're told to be is is likely given Schwab great reason to believe they'll also be very obedient. When they're told to think they're happy by 2030. You'll own nothing and be happy about it. With a complete lack of self responsibility, and unwillingness to think for yourself, and continued obedience to power hungry elites, you'll be doing a lot to help create this beautiful new world. Until next time, continue giving your power away, you'll find you get happier, the worse your life gets.
In this program, the emergence of a new world order is discussed, with all its political and socio-economic ramifications. The intrigues behind the setting up of a universal order dictating to the conscience of men are clearly exposed. The events leading up to this order, such as the great terrorist attacks of our time, and the battle against the so-called "axis of evil" are discussed, as well as how the new structure will personally impact on the lives of the citizens of the world.
On October 1, 2017 58 people were killed at the Route 91 country music concert in Las Vegas....and by 2 weeks the media dropped the entire story due to all the lies and holes in the police and FBI’s story. These are all the things they’ve covered up about the tragedy that they don’t want you to know about....
What do you know about the Freemasons. What do you really know? It's invite only from the 4° to the 33°. Secrets within secrets...
Note: The creator of this video compilation of public domain content, protected under the Fair Use doctrine, grants free and unrestricted license to anyone who wishes to republish it. We do request that the notes below, including this message, be included in their entirety with the rebroadcast of this video.
Translation: Feel free to republish it, just please included the text notes that accompany the video.
In honor of the memories of Nobel prize winner Kary Mullis (1944-2019), researcher and gay rights activist Hank Wilson (1947-2008), writer and activist Christine Maggiore (1956-2008), journalist Terry Michael (1947-2017), journalist Liam Scheff (d. 2017), and biomedical researcher David Crowe (d. 2020) who worked ceaselessly and courageously to expose the numerous frauds of Anthony Fauci and his fellow conspirators in the HIV=AIDS industry.
This is the story they would have us believe.
A deadly new virus is discovered...there's no treatment or's highly contagious...everyone is a potential victim...the world is at risk from asymptomatic super clusters of cases reported daily...
Everyone must get tested even though the tests are unreliable...positive antibody tests are called "infections" and "cases" even when the patient has no symptoms...every politician gets hysteria in high gear...activists demand salvation from government and Big Pharma...
Billions of dollars are authorized for fast track drug and vaccine research...simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed......presumptive diagnoses...exaggerated death statistics...falsified death certificates...
Covid 2020?
AIDS in the 1980s.
Every single fraud technique being used today to “sell” CoVid hysteria was invented in the 1980s and 1990s by Tony Fauci to sell the AIDS fraud.
Are you surprised to hear AIDS called a fraud? You won't be after you see this film.
This is the first and only film to put Fauci where he belongs: squarely in the middle of the AIDS fraud story.
Share widely.
Demolishing the AIDS fraud is one of the keys to undermining the CoVid Con and it will save millions of lives here in the US, in Africa and around the world.
AIDS - A Second Opinion (2001), Gary Null & Associates
AIDS Inc. (2007), Gary Null
AIDS: The Unheard Voices (Dispatches series) (1987), Meditel Productions/Joan Shenton
AZT: Cause for Concern (Dispatches series) (1991), Meditel Productions/Joan Shenton
Deconstructing the Myth of AIDS (2003), Gary Null
House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic (2009), Brent W. Leung
Perspectives on the Pandemic (Episodes 3, 4, 5) (2020), Journeyman Pictures/Libby Handros & John Kirby
The Age of AIDS (Frontline) (2006), PBS/Renata Simone
The Other Side of AIDS (2004), Robin Scovill
The sinister details of the Covid-Crime Against Humanity are coming to light, and while it is truly monstrous what they are doing, exposing the truth brings with it options to counter. The people behind the study documented in this video ran a test using Ivermectin, and it prevented the crystalline structure from forming.
Lithium appears to play a dual role. Not only does it have an effect as a drug, but it's also a conductor of electricity. The growing Hydrogel crystals are likely using the element as the basic building block to form their structures.
Running time 16:44
In bold here it says “it is clear that test sticks are a criminal tool of genocide in the population of Slovakia. This is a worldwide thoughtful and carefully prepared event.”
Tthese two images are of nylon hollow fibers at the broken end of test swabs.
“They're showing the tips of these fibers coming out from the swab, broken shaped ends - their task is to disrupt the epithelium, the surface layer of the mucosa. Therefore also their breakage and subsequent leaching of the fiber content. The fiber content has been DARPA hydrogel and lithium.
“This is an up close view of one of these fibers and the caption reads ‘longitudinally open fiber with a broken end and DARPA hydrogel content balls’.
“…after contact of the DARPA hydrogel with organic fluids, for example, saliva, within a few minutes, the DARPA hydrogel begins to form rectangular crystal structures, which gradually grow in a fractal manner. So it looks like these here are the beginning of the growing. They look like plus signs. But they keep growing in a fractal fashion, which is very interesting. And look how complex it gets at this point. Now this is very strange, these are right angles. This is just mind boggling. What we're looking at here we're seeing right angles. And this is apparently growing. So it started with just some plus signs, which is strange enough when they added saliva to the DARPA hydrogels.”
Well we finally released what has become the worldwide protest anthem of the 2020’s, We are the 99%, aka ‘Stick Your New World Order Up Your Arse’ - a comedy song written back in 2013 by Darren Nesbit on waking up to the reality of the world many of you are also aware of.
Help Make "We Are The 99%" a
Christmas Number Two!
They tried to stop us - even the recording session for ‘We are the 99%’ got stopped because of the ‘controversial’ nature of the lyrics - and one distributor also refused to allow it, using the reason of ‘medical misinformation’ - as if anyone is going to get health advice from a comedy song. The world has indeed gone mad so let’s put a big mirror up this Christmas with a Truth number 2!
We are the 99% Lyrics
You can stick your new world order up your arse x 2
You can stick your new world order,
where the sun don’t shine but ought to
Stick your new world order up your arse
Singing we are the 99% x2
Singing we are the ninety, together we are mighty,
We are the 99%
The queen’ll be arrested in her dressing gown x 2
The queen’ll be arrested in her,
‘cos she is such a sinner,
She’ll be arrested in her dressing gown
You can stick your corporation up your arse x 2
You can stick your corporation,
we’re a free and sovereign nation,
Stick your corporation up your arse.
Singing we are the 99%..
There’ll be blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone x 2
There’ll be blue skies when the chemtrails,
and their evil plan fails,
Blue skies when the chemtrails are all gone.
You can stick your mainstream media up your arse x 2
You can stick your mainstream media,
‘cos the people we don’t need ya,
Stick your mainstream media up your arse
Singing we are the 99%..
You can stick your poison vaccines up your arse x 2
You can stick your poison vaccines,
they cause so much disease,
Stick your poison vaccines up your arse
You can stick your vaccine passports up your arse x 2
You can stick your vaccine passports,
we’ll see you in the high court,
Stick your vaccine passports up your arse
Singing we are the 99%..
You can stick your fracking drilling up your arse
You can stick your tv programmes up your arse
You can stick your gmo foods
and we ain’t gonna go school
Stick your Georgia guidestones up your arse.
Oh I’d rather be a human than a slave x 2
Oh I’d rather be a human,
and don’t you know that you can,
Rather be a human than a slave
Singing we are the 99%..
You can stick your new world order up your arse.
You can stick your great reset up your arse x 2
You can stick your great reset,
‘cos the people they don’t know yet,
Stick your great reset up your arse.
You can stick your central banking up your arse x 2
You can stick your central banking,
the economy is tanking,
Stick your central banking up your arse.
Singing we are the 99%.. #xl_xr_page_we-are-the-99%
Former KGB-agent Yuri Bezmenov giving a lecture on subversion in L.A. in 1983.
- Psychological warfare
- Hidden in plain sight
- The goal is to change the perception of reality
--Areas of application--
- Religion
- Destroy
- Ridicule
- Replace (with sects, cults, etc)
- Distract (from the real faith)
- Education
- Distract from
- Constructive
- Pragmatic
- Efficient
- Replace with
- Propaganda literature
- Class struggle
- Aspirations of working class (regardless of context)
- Betterment of life
- Equality
- Anything distracting
- Social life
- Replace traditional organisations/institutions with bureaucratically controlled bodies
- Turn 'social people' into 'social workers'
- Remove initiative from the people
- Remove responsibility of naturally established links between individuals, groups and society at large
- Power structure
- Infiltrate certain elected positions
- Replace certain elected positions with artificial bodies (groups of people) who nobody elected
- The media
- Labour relations
- Destroy traditionally established links of bargaining between employers and employees
- Take away power from the people, give it to the government
- Government has power to distribute
- People lose power over their own goods and services
- Law and order
- Moral relativity
- Erode the structure
- Blur/reverse good & evil
- Hatred for police
- Generalizations
- Mistrust
- Sympathize with evil-doers
- Misunderstood
~~~ Prevent by self-education & preserving religion/traditions
- Expose an entire generation to "the ideology of the enemy"
- Distract the people from real problems and replace them with non-problems
- Distract the people from real harmony and replace it with non-existent harmony
~~~ Reverse by restricting propaganda