You’ll Own Nothing and Be Happy!? - The Great Reset

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By 2030, you'll own nothing and be happy about it. Why would you be happy about that? Well turn off your brain and start listening because we'll answer that question in more. Klaus Schwab is the head of the World Economic Forum, which is a group of the richest people in the world who want complete control of the world. Recently, Schwab endeared the world when he said, by 2030, you'll owe nothing and be happy about it. Wow, that seems like a win win. And he believes you're dumb enough to fall for it. And you kind of are. So here's how it'll work under the World Economic Forum's vision governments and the super rich who already control the government's will own everything. That's a win for them. Meanwhile, you owe nothing, which is a win for you, according to them, but you'll be allowed to rent things from the government that you need, like clothes, shelter and a pacifier for your baby. You'll also receive an income from the government. Sounds great doesn't that this Justin? We're already doing some of that. They're called stimulus checks in this innovative vision of freedom, you'll be completely controlled by the government because you're completely dependent on the government. I smell a social credit score,


will there be a social credit score


that requires you to be strictly obedient to the government in order to receive your meet your rations like? Does the World Economic Forum visions sound like socialism, communism and totalitarianism? No, because they're calling it something different. The great reset actually, first, let's be clear. For all of human history, socialism, communism and totalitarianism has always worked swimmingly. It's never created super oppressed and abused people 100% of the time, it's never done that. That's why you've always seen people from capitalist countries like the US, risking their lives to flee to communist countries, like Cuba. Or at least what the US used to be. and still is, kind of, but if socialism, communism and totalitarianism is so great, and indeed it is, why are some flatly skeptical about Klaus Schwab's agenda? Well, that question sounds like hate speech. So we'll gladly censor any attempt to even ask it a better question that you're allowed to ask is, how are the very empowering to the people forms of government, such as totalitarianism, even accepted by the masses in the first place? Now? That's a great question. And the answer that you're commanded to accept is, they prey on you by glorifying how great it would be if they took the burden of self responsibility off your shoulders, then you no longer have to create your own income, worry about food, or buy things, because those things take hard work. So wouldn't it be easier to let people rule over you, so they can do those things for you. In addition, they also take away people's ability to work, even if they want to, which creates further dependency on the government. It's just in over 100,000 small businesses in the US have closed because of the government mandated lock downs. It's also Justin. It's all probably just a coincidence. Meanwhile, strong people who are actually happy and successful suggests self responsibility is what creates freedom and fulfillment, which means under Schwab's vision, you have no self responsibility, which also means you have no freedom, or fulfillment. And that's a good thing, because freedom and fulfillment are the principal sources of human suffering. Justin, we think you're dumb enough to let a guy who's never smiled in his whole life tell you what will make you happier. So let's see the great reset. Now there's all this talk of the World Economic Forum wanting a socialist communist state, for the entire world seem a little far fetched, maybe like a conspiracy theory? Well, it is. That's why on the World Economic Forum's own website, they're advocating for more Marxism. And if you're too mentally lazy to know what Marxism is, that's why it's all around you already. you've allowed it through your obedience. But don't worry, the water will soon get up to a full boil if you continue not recognizing what you're willingly sitting in. Why would Schwab and the super rich want to rule over you in such a totalitarian way? That's not what they're doing, because they call it something different. The World Economic Forum uses cool propaganda to manufacture your consent they use compelling and definitely not misleading. Words like sustainability, climate change and improving the state of the world because that's what they're doing. So why do they want to rule over you in a totalitarian way while you think they're doing something good for the world? Well, fact checkers have verified they would have no motive, because it's not like nefarious people who have acquired mega wealth, would want more wealth and more possessions. It's also not like if you owned nothing, then they would own everything. Literally everything. The reality is, you'll own nothing and be happy. They'll own everything be happier. This Justin Klaus Schwab was born in Nazi Germany in 1938. See, apple doesn't fall too far from the tree now does it? But just remember, you won't be able to own apples either. World Economic Forum recently had admirable and highly altruistic world leaders address their audience. Were leaders like


Ji Jin pin, the head of the Chinese Communist Party after his surprisingly pro communism sounding address. He helped improve the state of the world by immediately having to return to China so he could continue not allowing World Health Organization investigators into his country. acclaimed humanitarian Vladimir Putin also addressed the audience so they can aspire to be at his level. Putting sustainability in climate control efforts have recently included having his chief political rival Alexey Navalny poisoned because he dared speak out against Putin after the hit attempt failed. Putin's simply had his chief political rival thrown in prison. To help improve the state of the world. Putin's humanitarian efforts have recently been elevated even further, as it's recently been discovered that he had a $1 billion palace built for himself using Russian taxpayer money when Russian citizens who are very economically oppressed were asked how they felt about Putin taking all their money to build a $1 billion palace for himself. They were quoted as saying, We owe nothing, and we're happy about it. As we at the station are big fans of the World Economic Forum. We applaud Putin's efforts to beta test the exact model for the world that Klaus Schwab envisions also on the speaker list was one William gates billionaire bill he recently became the largest farmland owner in the US. I for one feel safer with him also having a monopoly over the food supply. Now with the elites controlling free speech, censorship, whether or not you can work and now controlling the food supply. It feels like we're gaining more and more choice over whether or not we participate in a Oh nothing and be happy about it kind of world is Justin. Mark Zuckerberg is a member of the World Economic Forum. Just thought you should know that. Now. Why didn't they have President Biden's speak to their audience? Oh, I already said gene pin. It's also unknown exactly what species Klaus Schwab's DNA comes from. Most scientists believe it's a hybrid sequence of a snake in a slug. Yet what is known is that people have spent the past year being very obedient to being afraid when they're told to be is is likely given Schwab great reason to believe they'll also be very obedient. When they're told to think they're happy by 2030. You'll own nothing and be happy about it. With a complete lack of self responsibility, and unwillingness to think for yourself, and continued obedience to power hungry elites, you'll be doing a lot to help create this beautiful new world. Until next time, continue giving your power away, you'll find you get happier, the worse your life gets.