Graphene Oxide
Interesting facts:
1. Covid vaccines contain graphene oxide
2. Graphene is toxic to humans
3. Graphene can be electrically charged
4. If graphene carries a positive charge, it can destroy whatever it comes into contact with.
5. 5G frequencies can remotely induce a positive charge in graphene.
6. The graphene containing compound in the covid vaccines is patented by a Chinese company.
7. China released the covid virus on the world.
8. China is a large supplier of 5G technology.
9. The US government secretly funded the Wuhan gain of function research that led to covid.
10. The us government has been rolling out 5G technology with no good business case.
Can you connect the dots?
Graphene Oxide
Interesting facts:
1. Covid vaccines contain graphene oxide
2. Graphene is toxic to humans
3. Graphene can be electrically charged
4. If graphene carries a positive charge, it can destroy whatever it comes into contact with.
5. 5G frequencies can remotely induce a positive charge in graphene.
6. The graphene containing compound in the covid vaccines is patented by a Chinese company.
7. China released the covid virus on the world.
8. China is a large supplier of 5G technology.
9. The US government secretly funded the Wuhan gain of function research that led to covid.
10. The us government has been rolling out 5G technology with no good business case.
Can you connect the dots?
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