It seems that an ancient civilization existed as recently as 140 years ago that has been effectively purged from the history books. Odd references remain, Lovecraft references Tartary in his short story Through the Gates of the Silver Key. Old Brittanica encyclopedias show Tartaria as occupying much of what we think of as the Soviet Union today. There is a document retrieved from the CIA via FOIA from the 1950s that praises mother Russia on the great job she did purging Tartary from history...
The 1893 Chicago World's Fair: the World's Columbian Exposition
The most advanced "smashing things togetherer" ever conceived, some speculate that the investigation into the fundamental aspects of nature might have to do with unlocking certain dimensions, as alluded to by all of the "spooky masonic numbers" associated with some CERN events, the demonic ritualized ceremonies they throw, and the esoteric symbolism they associate it with - come on, man, Shiva the Destroyer? 🤦♂️
The CIA grew out of a wartime agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which was established to help win World War II. From the onset, the OSS was intended to be a temporary agency with plans to dissolve it upon the end of the War. However the agency acquired too much power to be dissolved, as it had been controlled by the elite ruling families to be used for [their] ends, and with the other myriad of defense/intelligence agencies can no longer be thought to be a part of the U.S. Government that is operating in the publics interest or even to be under any form of oversight.
Khazarian Mafia -> Freemasons -> Revelation of the Method -> Hollywood. This is the equation that leads to the encoding of many truths "hidden" in plain sight. For those with eyes to see.
1984 colorized version of the 1956 film (full movie)
The US Education system has been systematically broken for decades, with one tier for the elite that teaches critical thinking and reasoning, and another tier for the masses that teaches rote behavior, repetition and has devolved into cult indoctrination and Marxism. These people tried to warn us long ago. Now we have to burn the system to the ground and replace it, there is no fixing what it has become.