Stuart Talbott: Undeniable Evidence for Electric Comets

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2 years 11 Du kan ikke administrere denne video
A predictive milestone for the electric comet model. In her November 2021 doctoral thesis, Sofia Bergman, PhD student at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, used SPIS (Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Software) to measure low-energy ions around Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. A large amount of positive ions were measured flowing inward towards the comet's nucleus—instead of outward as expected—evidence of a negatively charged object.

Independent researcher, Stuart Talbott, details the electrical relationship between a comet and the solar environment—a negatively charged body suddenly entering into a more positively charged domain will discharge electrically—and provides new evidence that comets are yet another realization of our Electric Universe.

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