#7 Reason the Universe is Electric: Charged Planets (Outer)

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6 years

EU2017: Future Science -- Rebroadcast—only $29: https://www.electricuniverse.live

In this series, we have presented evidence for a dramatically new way of viewing all celestial bodies. In an Electric Universe, nowhere can one find an “island in space.” Across vast cosmic distances, electric currents flow through the conductive medium of plasma, electromagnetically pinching gas and dust to form stars and planets. In our last episode, we focused on the electrical circuitry in our own celestial neighborhood in the inner solar system, connecting the Sun to all the planets, including the Earth. Today, we shift our focus to the outer solar system, where the tremendous electrified environments of the gas giants Saturn and Jupiter are the 7th of 10 reasons why the Universe is Electric.

PLAYLIST for the full series, "Top 10 Reasons the Universe is Electric": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swcpo0L8juo&list=PLwOAYhBuU3Uez8f1P6ZyYdI90Egln3rX5

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Essential Guide to the Electric Universe: http://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/eg-contents/
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Electric Universe by Wal Thornhill: http://www.holoscience.com/wp/
Electric Universe T-shirts and Gifts: http://stickmanonstone.com/

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