The Truth About Vaccines Interviews - Dr- Sherri Tenpenny, D-O

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Sherry tenpenny It seems like we've done this before. I think we Yes. It's amazing how often we talk about this topic. Yeah. So in we just talked about it for a little while, and we had some camera issues. So we're restarting. We're going to try to cover what we just covered. But as we stand on the banks of the Cumberland River here in Nashville, Tennessee, describe to our audience exactly what got you interested in vaccine research here? Well, it started in September of 2000, when I got an invitation in the mail to attend the National Vaccine Information Center conference in Washington DC, for some reason that Russia just never seem to leave my kitchen counter. So I thought there must be somebody important there I was supposed to meet. So I ended up going down to the conference. And when I was there, I found out it wasn't about someone It was about something. And I sat through four days of interviews of lectures of listening to parents and adults and and scientists and doctors talking about all of the travesty and problems with vaccines. There were over 700 attendees there, a lot of them with their vaccine injured children. And, and I thought, how did I miss this? I mean, I've been in the practice of medicine at that time. By 15 years, I was board certified in emergency medicine, I was the director of an emergency department. I started my clinic in in Washington in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1996. This was four years later, I grew up in a three generations of chiropractors in my family, I wasn't vaccinated as a kid. Vaccines never really hit my radar screen. So after I left that meeting, I thought I should probably look into this. So I started with reading the CDC documents. And now all these years later, I put more than 20,000 hours of my own personal time into researching the problems associated with vaccines. And what we actually came in boils down to just a few things that are consistent across the board. Vaccines are not safe. They're not effective, and they definitely do cause harm. Let me ask you this year that we are told that they're safe and effective. But when we're told that what exactly does that mean? Well, what safe really means is that it shouldn't harm you at all that it shouldn't be any problem. But in safety studies when it comes to vaccines, one thing for sure is they don't use a true placebo as the as the control. So when you're looking at a new drug, say for high blood pressure, you're given a high blood pressure medication and you're giving something like a sugar pill. Well, with vaccines, they bring a new vaccine to market, they use either another vaccine with a known safety profile, or they use a saw a shot of a substance that they consider to be inert. For example, when they brought the Gardasil vaccine to market, Gardasil has the highest concentration of aluminum of any vaccine. And in the safety study, what they used as the placebo was a shot of aluminum. So when they looked at the at the information at the end, and they looked at the side effects, they said, The side effects were the same for the shot of Gardasil, as they were for the shot of aluminum. So therefore, the vaccine was as safe as the placebo. The other thing that is honest, that's very dishonest. And the other thing that's deceptive is that when they start doing a vaccine trial, they need to get enrollments. And the children that are enrolled, or even the adults that are enrolled into the trial are all completely healthy. They have no underlying health problems like asthma, or allergies or seizure disorders. And so they the vaccines are initially tested on children and adults that are completely healthy. But when the vaccine is approved for use, it is recommended for all children, even those children that are chronically ill. So that becomes a new form of an experiment when they start using the vaccines on those chronically ill children. Yeah, definitely is it's like medical experimentation there. But as far as being effective Sherry, are they not effective at preventing disease? or What does it mean when they say that these vaccines are effective? Well, what it means by the Webster's definition of effective, it means that you do something that achieves the intended goal. So the intended goal of when I inject a vaccine into your arm, is for you to create an antibody. And so if the vaccine does that, if I inject you and it creates an antibody, it's effective, it's created, it's what it was intended to do. But just the mere presence of having an antibody is not the same team thing as protecting you from getting sick. So vaccines are effective if you use the scientific word, but they do not protect you from getting sick because there are many, many substances or circumstances in the medical literature that shows that we you can have high antibody levels and still contract the illness. That's even true for tetanus that you can have very high tetanus antibody



Unless you thoroughly clean out the wound, there's a strong possibility you may contract the infection called tetanus I see. So it reminds me of the phrase he who he who controls the language wins the argument. And so but really what you're saying here is that they have kind of changed the definition when it comes to vaccines, what effective is, so when the general public hears effective, they think it prevents disease, when really it just means it created an antibody, which might not even help. Exactly. Okay, that's exactly sums it up. And we assume that it's safe, meaning that we've tested it, and we know that when we get it injected into our body, it's not going to cause harm. Now, Sherry, what about doctors in medical school? Aren't they just aren't they taught about the safety and efficacy of vaccines?



Well, you know, when I went to medical school, I graduated in 1985. And at that period of time, and when, when I went on into practice, there were only three vaccines really, that were used in children, there was DPT, MMR, and polio. And it wasn't until 1991, when there was the big ramp up of the vaccine schedule, starting with the hepatitis B vaccine at birth, and then they added the HIV and then chickenpox in Prevnar. And now we have 46 doses of 16 vaccines that are given to children by the time they're five years of age. So I would say that when I was in medical school, there wasn't much to talk about, there was only the three vaccines, but then we had this big ramp up. So anybody who's graduated from medical school, and gone through a residency program from 1991, forward, which has been 25 years, the only thing that they're told is, here's the schedule, and here's how you give it and you really need to deal with those parents who are doing this whole thing called vaccine hesitancy now, which is being published in all of the medical literature saying that all of these crazy people, why wouldn't they want vaccines, they're actually even combing information off of Facebook, of the arguments that people get into and try to come up with arguments to convince more and more people why they should be vaccinated. You know, it sounds like dirty poker to me. They've co opted the language, they're censoring information. I mean, Zuckerberg with Facebook has openly said that if you come out with anti vaccine posts on Facebook, we're gonna delete it. We're gonna work and so that's not even disputable. That's that's their policy is that they are they are not going to embrace this anti vaccine propaganda. But the reality is, you hear that you hear people say, well look concerning vaccines, the science is settled. But science is never settled, is it? No, science is never settled. And the more vaccines that they add to the schedule, the more complex it is, I mean, think about just from, you know, adding ingredients, when you're baking cookies, you know, the more ingredients you put into your souffle or whatever, it creates a more a more challenging problem. So the science has never done it. It's disturbing that many people who have spent as much time as I have, and others have investigating the problems with vaccines, and have come across anywhere from 700 to 1500 articles that have been published in the mainstream medical journals showing the problems associated with vaccines that were called anti science, when what we're doing is presenting an argument using their science. Yeah, I did an interview with Neil Miller, in Austin, and he's written a book called 400 critical vaccine studies. And that's 400 of literally 1000s of studies that have been published in peer reviewed journals that show that vaccines cause injury. But if we bring that to life, we're called crazy. Yes, or other things. So Sherry, talk about potential side effects of vaccines. Well, vaccine, any one of the vaccines can cause a long list of side effects. And all you have to do is read the package inserts to see them and do your conspiracy theories. Yes, you are. And if you read the various reports, you know, the vaccine adverse event reporting system that collects more than 30,000 reports every single year on vaccine injuries, and the injury that they can report can be anything from a sore arm all the way up to a death. And they feel like that's less than 10% of the people were actually injured. Can you imagine how can you think of any other product that has 30,000 Consumer Reports per year about problems would still be on the market? None? None? None? I mean, you mentioned the package inserts. You know, I know you're familiar with this, but it was the Sanofi past year try pedia that it was a DPT vaccine that was pulled off the market a couple years ago. They've since then put it back on the market. And they were they removed these potential side effects from the from the package insert. But it said literally that autism is one of the side effects. Can you imagine any product on the market other than a vaccine listing may cause autism and still being allowed to be sold? I know and many of the the other thing that they're doing in terms of manipulating the package inserts is they used to report the entire study on the package insert they would show you how many children were involved in the study what the you know, were how many children converted in terms of antibodies on the first second and third vaccine and they would manipulate and now all of that's removed. The other thing is that many of the side effects are listed as occurring at less than 1%. Well, they're saying that that's not enough information.



And not really necessary for people to know. So they're pulling that off too. So they're hiding the data they've they've hide the vaccine, the the information inside of the vaccine safety DataLink that nobody's allowed to see it. they've they've hid the information from theirs. They've made it extremely complicated for anyone who doesn't normally go into the various database and look for information to use it, it's really clunky and difficult to use. And so they are constantly hiding information. They're hiding things, and they're making it more and more difficult for people to track down the association between vaccines and in any type of of side effect. mean, the hepatitis B vaccine, I think has the largest one of the longest list of side effects in terms of neurological disorders. And if anybody asked me what I thought were the worst vaccines, the two I would say would be Gardasil and hepatitis B, in terms of side effect profile. Sure. What are the side effects that you know of the Gardasil vaccine? Oh, the Gardasil vaccine causes so many debilitating things in terms of some autoimmune conditions like something called Potts syndrome, I think there's something upwards to 180 confirmed deaths from that vaccine. And I'd say that's a pretty serious side effect. It is, yeah, the hepatitis B vaccine has a very, very long list of neurological complications, from blindness to gamma ray to all kinds of have a very long list of neurological complications. And there really isn't any reason to even give that vaccine at birth, right? Because it's the only people that are at risk or intravenous drug users or those that are sexually promiscuous, of which I don't know any newborns. No. And the worst part about about about that one that it's given at birth, is the fact that if children are born prematurely, if they're born at 36, or 37 weeks, they're underweight, or even younger, the pediatricians will want to give the hepatitis B vaccine on schedule, as if they were born at a full term 40 week infant and a full weight. So you so I've had parents that have told me that their child was born very prematurely was only two pounds, and the pediatrician in the neonatal intensive care unit wanted to give them the full dose of hepatitis B vaccine it while they are in the intensive care unit, that would be the equivalent of taking that adult pediatrician and given them three ounces of the same vaccine or right but they wouldn't take it I know and the the original paperwork on the hepatitis B vaccine actually said, you should never give a partial dose. And you should always give it on time, as though the the child was full term and full weight, even if they are premature and underweight. You're supposed to give it on time. But so here's the bizarre thing sharing this vaccine.



What Robert Scott Bell, our good friend calls the vaccines being the sacred cow of the Church of biological mysticism. I love that what he calls, it's really good.



If you question them, you're a heretic. If you question that, if you read the package insert, you're crazy. If you actually list the side effects that are known, you're a conspiracy theorist. I mean, it's like completely anti science, that the position that vaccines are safe and effective. Science should always be a dialogue, coming to the conclusion, looking at the pros and cons and coming to a conclusion of what something really is. But we're told don't question vaccines, don't read the package inserts. If you have somebody that was vaccine injured, it was just a coincidence, even though it happens a million times a year. And then just do it, just just shut up and take the vaccine. And what's the worst part of all of that tie in terms of, of parents, I mean, young parents, I mean, they were parents really need to have someone in their community that is a medical professional, such as a nurse, a nurse practitioner, a pediatric chiropractor, a naturopath or even their mother or their grandmother who's raised children before, because if you have a new baby, what you kind of want to know is Is this normal? Are they sick enough that I should be concerned? You know, they're kind of fussy? Should I take them to the pediatrician? They just need a partner in that. And instead they take them to the pediatrician, the pediatrician say, No, you have to vaccinate, if you're not going to be vaccinated, we're going to kick you out of the practice, because that's money to them. And then the problem is, is that parents don't understand that the early childhood vaccine preventable illnesses really consists of nothing more than a fever, a cough, a rash and some diarrhea. And so they learn some simple tools to take care of their child when they have a fever, a cough, a rash and some diarrhea. Instead of vaccinating them with all of these doses of vaccines and the exchange for that is a lifetime of chronic illness, serious autoimmune diseases, maybe even a death or on the autism spectrum. You're going to trade that for a fever, cough, a rash and some diarrhea. It's really, really ludicrous. It is ludicrous and you what you just described



pediatricians kicking parents out of their practice. They tried to do that to us. Well, before I knew anything about vaccines we were just starting to learn with our eldest daughter, Brianna, we were told if you don't we because we question, are these really necessary? If you don't vaccinate, we don't we don't subscribe to that anti vaccine propaganda. You're not welcome in our practice. Yeah, and it's gotten even worse since then, because your daughter's older now? Well, this year in the Blue Cross Blue Shield handbook that came out, it actually talked about something called the combo 10 that in a pediatricians office, if, if they have all the children under the age of two, that have recently been fully vaccinated with all 10 of these vaccines called the combo 10. By their second birthday, the they the the vaccination rate in the pediatricians office needs to be 63% of their entire practice needs to be fully vaccinated by this combo 10. And if they are, they are rewarded by Blue Cross Blue Shield at $400 per child per eligible member. So if you've got 1000 kids in your practice, and 63% of them are fully vaccinated, you get 1000 times 400, in terms of a bonus from Blue Cross Blue Shield for following through on their on their standards. $400,000 bonus if you have 1000 patients. That's insane. That's insane. Wow. So there's not really any independence from the, from the monetary influence of these vaccines. There isn't. And this is the reason why that parents are being kicked out of the practice, because they have the 63% amount that they have to have their kids vaccinated, there's 63% of their patient population needs to be vaccinated. Now, that's what we know about Blue Cross Blue Shield from Blue Cross Blue Shield, because that's the manual we have, we don't really know or no one has actually discovered yet, if that also applies to medical mutual, to Aetna, to any of the other big carriers across the country, if it applies to any of those things. So the bottom line is that parents always have to know follow the money, follow the money. Now pediatricians can't even look at your child and say, Well, they've had a horrible reaction before or they have these side effects, maybe it would not be so good to vaccinate them, because that dips into the money in their pocket. And pediatricians that are saying that are being persecuted, we were just talking about on the way over here, a local pediatrician here in Nashville, came out said you know what, we're just not gonna vaccinate at this practice anymore. He has been threatened with his medical license in Tennessee for not vaccinating. And it's not like that. People can't find another place to get vaccinated if they want to. I mean, you go to any Walgreens, you can get your flu shot, you know, go to any CVS corner store gets flu, you can get vaccine anywhere. Anyways. So it's not like threatening the health by not vaccinate you can get vaccinated anywhere. They just don't like people bucking the system. Right, which goes back to that whole issue of vaccine hesitancy that they are trying to even comb Facebook posts and saying that, you know, we're trying to find data in order to figure out why these parents wouldn't want their kids to be vaccinated. And in craft pervasive can convincing arguments to train the pediatricians and how to get them to their patients to overcome this vaccine hesitancy what Jerry, I've talked to pediatricians that have graduated medical school recently. And they actually give them lessons on how to persuade parents into vaccinating. Right? They don't teach him about the vaccines at all. They just teach them how to persuade a parent. That's that may not be compliant. Right, compliant is the word. And we've talked so much Ty about all the things that have to do with kids and pediatricians, I think it's really important to understand, you know, the adults are putting being put into this, this pot of mandatory to talk about that with healthy people. 2020. Right, what's healthy people 2020 and with the use of electronic medical records, okay, I mean, electronic health records came into vogue in around 2010. When they PDH with when all doctors were told, you're going to have to start using these electronic medical records in order to get billed. So we need to have these you install these in your office? Well, the problem was is how expensive they were, you had to buy a module from the government, if you bought a Medicaid module, it was $43,000 per position per physician in the practice? Well, if there were four people in the practice, it's 43,000 times four. And the same thing you had to buy a Medicare module, which was $62,000 per module. So, you know, physicians offices or small businesses, I mean, where are you ever going to recoup that investment like never, so the government said, not a problem, we'll pay for pf will pay it for you. In exchange for that, you just have to give us all the data. And so each year starting in 2010, which of course was when Obamacare came into be, by 2012. They installed more than 500,000 physicians across the country had bought into the system. And they were teaching them how to use the electronic medical records, that each year they had to add a few more things new few more boxes that needed to be checked and that data gone.



To the government. And in 2016, they added the box that needed to be checked was your immunization status. And that goes into what's called the the information, the immunization Information System, or the local, regional and district vaccine registry. And your information goes into this registry to always be there. And the intention of these registries are to be cradle to grave tracking of your vaccination status. And well, and this is rolling over now into physicians, they are and this is rolling over into adults now, because now there are at least 10 vaccines that are being required for adults. And there's case precedent, or there's precedent being set up in Australia, where if you aren't fully vaccinated, you aren't going to be able to access your equivalent of Medicare, the National adult vaccine plan was released in February of 2015. And at the same time, they introduced an implementation plan. And some of the things that have been burbling around in the background that haven't come to the forefront yet, in terms of implementation are if you're not fully vaccinated, will you be able to travel? Will you be able to renew your driver's license? Will you be able to go to a public place like a football game or a basketball game? Will you be able to go to a grocery store unless you can show that you are fully vaccinated, that's the type of plan that's coming down the road. And I just see these people as just needle wheeling maniacs that every single person needs to be injected with every possible vaccine. And the adult vaccination plan actually has language in it that says that they want adults to demand and request their vaccines. And if they haven't demanded and requested them, that they will be offered to them, they will have the financial incentives to give it and it is to be required for every vaccine that's currently on the market and every vaccine in the future. And we know there are at least 140 vaccines in the developmental pipeline.



That's scary. So that's where we're headed. So when a lot of people listen to the truth about vaccines seminar, or they listen to talks about vaccines, they say, Well, my, you know, my kids are past that, you know, I don't have to worry about that anymore. I have to make that decision. Or, you know, my kids are having grandkids and they don't ever listen to me anyways. But here's the thing. Many of these vaccines that are now in development are headed directly towards adolescents and adults. And the adult vaccination plan is a five year escalated ramped up system to get people on board by 2020, for the implementation of the Healthy People 2020 guidelines that have become goals. So this is, this is in essence, mandatory vaccines under the guise of not being mandatory. Yes, it's sort of like the like paying your taxes, right? They're all voluntary, until you decide not to volunteer, right. Wow. So so this is really this is something that literally affects everyone that's watching this program, everyone not here and around the world. Because in



in 2000, the Gates Foundation funded an organization called GAVI, which is the Global Alliance for vaccination and immunization, they started that organization with a donation of $750 million. Since that time, they have invested $6.8 billion into vaccinating the world. Wow. And that started in 2000. So for those that are watching Sherry, what exactly is healthy people 2020. It actually started in 1990, when the Surgeon General, and it came forth and worked with the Department of Health at that time. And they created what was called the Healthy People guidelines for 1990. And what they looked at is with the health of our overall society, and they were laudable goals, they were looking at things like smoking cessation, and wearing motorcycle helmets and, and obesity and clean water. And so they set up, they set up goals, to go from 1990 to 2000. And to see where we could get and so every decade, they have, they have established these new goals. So there was goals from 2000 to 2010. And then in 2010, they created the goals to be set up for 2020. And so the difference is, is that the original goals in 1990, there were 15 goals, and about 225 objectives. In the Healthy People 2020 guidelines, there are 44 goals and 1200 objectives to look at every single corner of our health in every single corner of our life. And there's a sector in there for vaccines that they want to have 90% of the population vaccinated with flu shots, DPT shots, MMR, and all of these have were set up initially to be guidelines, but they have become goals and the goals now one of the steps in the goals is to take away your right to refuse. And that has been rolling down the pipeline. Since you know we set we set up sb 277 in California. So it's really antithetical to the



The the American way of life, right?



The right to freedom, the right to freedom and the sb 277. As you know, taking away parents rights to refuse has been published in the putting them in the public health literature. It's been published in the public health literature to be calm the model legislation for all 50 states. So what Healthy People 2020 is supposed to do is it's supposed to get everybody vaccinated and get everybody on board and get all the funding for adults and adolescents, and how this all kind of came about. At the same time, as we developed the Healthy People 2020 guidelines, it started in 2010 and 2010, it This was declared the decade of vaccines. And in 2010, the Gates Foundation put up $10 million to start this to be the decade of vaccines. And within this decade of vaccines from 2010, to 2020. In these healthy people guidelines, we need to have electronic medical records and tracking, we need to take away people's right to refuse, we need to ramp up all of these guidelines and turn them into goals. And they are well on their way. I mean, that's really, I mean, we're at 2017 we only have three years left for people to become really aware of this and get involved in not allowing this to happen in the future. So what can we do? What are action steps that we can do, to where we can join together and make sure that these healthy people 2020 guidelines don't become mandatory? And they start you know, not letting adults fly if they haven't been fully vaccinated, or you can't go buy groceries if you're not vaccinated. What What can we do? I think the most important there's the most important step is education. Tie you know as well as I do that most people still think that vaccines are great. And if you're not vaccinate, if you don't get your flu shot, you're probably gonna die. And then flu shots are just as good for you and healthy it is and as benign as a b 12 shot. And so we have to get this education out, we have to get information that people to understand that vaccines are not safe, they don't protect you. They are causing harm, we are creating a multi generational destruction of the DNA of the human race. So we have to, I always thought that that this could be done at the grassroots level if we got enough people at the grassroots level to just say no, just say no, thank you, I'm not doing this, that it would stop. But now we've got the pressure that up the the downward pressure on these on these rules of of these guidelines of these laws that are being passed to take away our rights to refuse. So I think that everyone needs to get on board, they need to get educated, we need to somehow wake up the doctors, we need to get the politicians educated. We need to get them to understand that they are destroying the human race, and it needs to stop Sure. What about what about polio didn't didn't vaccines wipe out polio? When people are new to the topic of discussing problems associated with vaccines? It always starts with what about smallpox? What about polio? Didn't we eradicate smallpox with vaccines? Which No we didn't it was public health. And didn't we eradicate and didn't eradicate polio? No, we didn't. And we're still causing more polio than we are possibly eliminating, by continuing to use the oral polio vaccine. And even the CDC and the World Health Organization said, We are never going to eliminate the polio virus as long as we keep using the live virus oral polio vaccine. But here's the thing. polio is not a synonym for paralysis. Most people, the vast majority of people, even at the height of where people were contracting paralysis, they would get exposed to the polio virus, which is a gastrointestinal virus that looked like the stomach flu. And it would just come and go in a few days. And more than 98% of people exposed to that virus had no side effects, no symptoms from it at all. And now since 1991, the entire Western Hemisphere has considered considered to be polio free. It's It's astonishing to me that we still give children five polio vaccines before they start kindergarten. And then some people might say, well, if we don't give them the polio vaccine, then will polio reemerged from these developing countries that still have that virus around. Well, the last time I looked, they looked at it over an 18 year period of time, and less than less than 20 cases of polio were actually imported from around the world. So it really isn't a valid argument. And polio is again, I think the most important take home about polio. polio is not a synonym for paralysis cycle we talked about effective is not a synonym for protection. Right, right. And one thing that we have seen over the last couple years is that the vaccines that we're using in Africa to prevent polio, they're actually causing what they're calling non polio paralysis right from the oral polio vaccine right and what people don't realize that there are at least seven or eight other families of viruses that



can cause paralysis. So when they show you these pictures of kids from Africa or people with a limb that's you know, deformed or they're dragging a limb, they're saying, see this was polio. Well, it may have been one of the other viruses that cause paralysis. It may have been they fell out of a tree. It may have been that they were born with a deformity, it doesn't necessarily mean we need to have more polio vaccine going on in Africa. Right, right. What about the whooping cough? I remember I discussion that I had with a pediatrician years and years ago, when I was first learning about vaccines about the whooping cough. And and, you know, I've forwarded research over the shows that flippin cops not all that effective, it has side effects, that it's, it's just not what we're being told, right? We're being kind of misled about the whooping cough, and he came back, this is a pediatrician. He said, Forget about all that stuff. If you've ever seen a child with whooping cough die, you wouldn't even question the vaccine. So it's like he goes through this emotional argument. He's a physician. He didn't want to see the data. He goes this emotional argument. If you've ever seen a whooping cough, patient die, you wouldn't even be questioning that vaccine. What do you have to say about that? It's, it's the propaganda. It's the like you said, He who controls the language, you know, it's the propaganda because they always go to worst case scenario, like, you know, every child that contracts pertussis is going to die, which is just such propaganda and so not true. I mean, the children under three months of age are at higher risk of contracting pertussis and having a be a serious illness because their windpipe is so small, and they really can't cough. And they that can be a real problem, that the older that people get the the less likely they are to contract with anything serious. I mean, what is pertussis? It's a cough that's persistent, that doesn't have a fever and is worse at night and can go on for an extended period of time. It can happen in any age group. And now that we don't we know for sure, I mean, the CDC even says the pertussis vaccines really don't work much anymore. We don't really know why. We don't know if the bacteria has morphed or changed. We know we're seeing more of a bacterial infection called para pertussis, which the vaccine doesn't do anything for that. And so and when they have these outbreaks of pertussis that they're diagnosed, and then they retrospectively do the analysis, they find out that 80 some percent or more of the people who contract pertussis have been fully vaccinated. And so the numbers of unvaccinated are extraordinarily small. But of course, they're the ones that we blame for all of these outbreaks. Right, right. And I did an interview with Dr. Suzanne Humphries. And she mentioned vitamin C has tremendous effects on pertussis. Absolutely. Her documentation on the vitamin C in treating pertussis for all age groups, even from Little infants is just extraordinary. And parents should really get hold of that documentation and should read it. Yeah. And I've got the transcript. It's about this thick of, I don't know, around 2000, where they sat and they talked about these antibodies, and they go, Well, we aren't going to talk about antibodies, because we know for a fact that we don't know what they're supposed to do, or no, it was just a it was just a regular meeting of like the A CIP committee, that they just actually sat around and talked and said, Well, we don't really want to bring up the whole discussion about antibodies, because we don't really know what it means. And we don't really know if they work. So let's just sort of drop that I've thought all transparently.



So they basically admitted that the whole goal of vaccines to create these antibodies, they don't even know what that means. It's the biggest scam perpetrated on humanity ever. I mean, when you go back in time and look at the smallpox vaccine, I mean, it was all based off of lies, manipulation, the physicians and the government and the scientists were all in collusion, it was all about big money and big government from the very beginning. And when the mandatory vaccination laws first went into effect in the UK, in 1853, you know, at the same time was the start of the anti vaccine movement, and they called it our babies battle. And it was parents whose children had died from after a smallpox vaccine, either have infection, or sepsis, or gangrene, and they all died. And so they were refusing all of these mandatory vaccines, which were just filthy, and they spread syphilis all over the world and was based on faulty science from the beginning. And just because we are in a modern day, and we have more vaccines doesn't make it any less filthy, or any more destructive. In fact, a lot of times on the radio interviews I do, I always say what's coming through that vile is vile, it is vile, in most of the ingredients, if you aren't a physician, injecting it into a baby. But if you were the baby's parents, giving it to the baby and orally you could be arrested or injected it or even injected it. Yeah, you'd be arrested. Could you imagine if you took a two year old any two year old and laid it on the dining room table of the house and had two adults holding them to the table by arms and legs and someone else injecting all of those ingredients into the baby how



Fast which Children's Services show up at your door and arrest you for child abuse and take the child away? Oh, but we call it but that's a normal day in a doctor's office, because we do it in a room where someone has a white coat, and we can bill insurance for it. We call it a vaccination day.



Because Yeah, you're right. formaldehyde, any phrase, alumina, or cri polysorbate 80. What what's worse for me is, or what's equally as bad as those ingredients to me are the stray viruses in the in the viral contaminants that come off of the animal cells that the vaccines are grown in. Those retroviruses could be incorporated into the DNA of children and adults to that we don't even know what the outcome can be, because you can't track a retrovirus that has been woven into the intracellular DNA. Yeah. And that's exactly what Dr. Judy mikovits shared. When I interviewed her Yeah, she was she was studying retroviruses with National Institutes of Health. And you know that there's two viruses, two stray viruses that kick that can couple with Anca genes, that the stray viruses that are in flu shots have oncogene so that they can turn on breast cancer genes. And, you know, those are the two that we know about how many others are out there that we don't know about because you can't find what you're not looking for. And there isn't any vaccine researcher out there, or any vaccine manufacturer out there that wants to know that a vaccine is causing problems. Right, right out of sight out of mind. Right. Dr. Sherry, thank you so much for this information. It's fantastic information. The last interview I got with you a few years ago, was just a brief like 10 minute interview that we were up at Jonathan Edwards, calm Right, exactly. I'm really looking forward to this one and this is much more in depth and I really appreciate you weathering the cold out here on the banks of the Cumberland River in Nashville, Tennessee, but it's a beautiful day. It is a beautiful day. Now we keep moving away from the shadows in order to do this. It's been a lot of fun. Thanks for asking me. Thanks for having me participate. I appreciate you.