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Mike Adams and Harrison Smith examine strange rubberband-like tissue that Richard Hirschman, a professional embalmer from people who “died suddenly” that appear to be engineered to grow inside the body.

An emergency room physician who is shielding his identity calls in to corroborate these findings, telling Mike and Harrison, “Apparently, what’s happening is these injections are re-programming our DNA or RNA to produce these new proteins, forming these new structures.

“What prompted me to call you was that we’re seeing a huge influx of people that are coming into the hospitals and urgent cares with what we call, claudication, which is usually from peripheral vascular disease or peripheral artery disease, which is blockages in their extremities that can cause issues with blood flow to your tissues. And we’re seeing a huge, skyrocketing amount of patients that we’re seeing that have these types of issues.” These cases are skyrocketing in relatively young patients, which he says, “Is unheard-of.”

The doctor also says, “We’re seeing increased rates of deep vein thrombosis, which are clots in your lower extremities that can travel to the lung and cause pulmonary embolism. We’re seeing increased rates of that, as well in relatively young people.”

He says these blood clots are not responding to blood clot medications, like Coumadin or Heparin. “They’re using a different pathway to form these clots, a completely different protein. These are not blood clots, so this absolutely supports what you’re saying about these clots. This is nothing to do with the blood.”

He suspects that there are a lot of people walking around with these things inside of them, undiagnosed and that the spike in cases of young, healthy people, like all of the soccer players who have “died suddenly” and the cases of so-called Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS), heart attacks and strokes may have their explanation in this steep rise in the incidence these never-before-seen clots.

Meanwhile, the entire medical community appears to be ignoring the causality of this and the doctor is very frustrated with his profession. He doesn’t know how much longer practitioners can dissimulate as what’s going on.

He says, “A year ago some people were saying that 70% or 80% of the vaxxinated people would end up dead within a couple of years and that was a scary thought but now, we’re seeing this in real time.

“We don’t know how to treat this. I don’t know how to stop it. I don’t know if there’s really anything we can do.” There’s no test that one can take to detect the presence of these bio structures and he will be researching them, in an attempt to come up with a treatment but in the meantime, you can test your Arterial Brachial Index (ABI), and see if there’s a discrepancy between your upper and lower extremities to determine if there’s a blockage.

He says, “A CT Scan, a Doppler Ultrasound, things like that, which are used for regular blood clots may be able to detect these. But if this is happening, as I think it is in the small vessels and capillaries, there’s not a lot to do to really detect it.”

He thinks an MRI might be your best bet for detecting these but there’s no insurance code for it and it will involve a fight with the insurance company to get them to pay for the MRI and emergency rooms do not do MRIs, as they’re considered an outpatient procedure.

Mike says that by the time the Establishment acknowledges the problem, “We might have millions and millions of people on the countdown to clot death.”

The doctor says he agrees with that and notes that there seems to be a cumulative effect, with an increase in symptoms correlating to an increase in shots. He suggests to those who made the mistake of taking the vaxx, to refrain from taking any more.