WHAT IS RED MERCURY? Red Mercury is an element known as "Vampire Blood" that is touted as a free energy source, possibly used throughout our hidden history. Why is the government so adamant about discrediting its existence when we know it exists? https://t.co/DcGzT916if
5G AND THE WIRELESS BODY AREA NETWORK They are turning humans into 5G-6G-7G antennas and servers/routers with each jab. The Agenda 2030 ultimate goal is to be able to track & trace down to the cellular level and transmit data through our DNA in real time. Sabrina D. Wallace https://t.co/QB6B9aXMMg
CHILD TRAFFICKING AND MKULTRA OPS Illuminati child trafficking operations involve children who are sold into MKUltra programs to be used as mind control slaves. Full Documentary https://t.co/JUEiuLgtB7
PROGRAMMING THE NATION Full Documentary Programming The Nation takes an encompassing look at the history of subliminal messaging in America. Since the late 1950s subliminal content has been military tested and delivered through all forms of mass-media including Hollywood. https://t.co/GHPMG88VGd
FREEMASON RITUAL ABUSE SURVIVOR ARIA Aria details her life growing up and enduring ritual Masonic abuse, rape, sacrifice, murder, and other horrific experiences she went through as a young girl within a Masonic family. https://t.co/UVFYhjrC0o
CANDY GIRL: SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE SURVIVOR FIONA BARNETT Full Documentary 2018 Fiona Barnett revisits SRA sites and tells what she endured at the hands of Antony Kidman at CIA MKUltra research labs at Sydney University, Holsworthy Army Base & Lucas Heights ANSTOW nuclear reactor https://t.co/S69rHqNgFA
CHILD TRAFFICKING AND MKULTRA OPS Illuminati child trafficking operations involve children who are sold into MKUltra programs to be used as mind control slaves. Full Documentary https://t.co/JUEiuLgtB7
Exposing MKUltra: CIA\'s Covert Mind Control Operation Full Do
MONARCH MIND CONTROL FULL DOCUMENTARY MKUktra was an illegal mind control program to create subservient humans to be used for covert operations such as assassinations, sex trafficking etc, with the inability to remember. The program was funded by the CIA. https://t.co/CEGFTxoD88
THE NEW WORLD ORDER WANTS YOU Don't worry kids, the NWO is just a conspiracy! Don't look into it, just keep watching your manufactured entertainment and reading your MSM headlines! The 2 party system is not by design! The global technocracy is only your imagination! https://t.co/a4zunBVF0Y
THE 10 FEMA CAMP REGIONS Bill outlines how the US would be divided into 10 separate districts or regions via the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) in the event of Marshall Law. This makes Hunger Games look like a documentary. Research: The Revelation of the Method. https://t.co/LDZxcTXFxp
Unveiling the Truth: Walmart & FEMA's Controversial Camps
WALMART FEMA CAMPS BEING SET UP I have been talking about FEMA Camps for over 2 decades. FEMA Camps will be used as concentration camps for any citizen the government deems a threat. If the president declares Marshall Law, the Insurrection Act gives the federal government power https://t.co/J16m5PrsmJ
STOPPING THE NEW WORLD ORDER John F McManus is a Marine Veteran and member of the John Birch Society. In this lecture he exposes in detail, The New World Order agenda with quotes, documents, and other materials, and what we can do to combat it. I highly recommend taking notes https://t.co/riSHZLoNuU
THE WEF AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER They want control of all aspects of your life. They want control of all resources. They want control of your future. The globalist scum see the people pushing back. A great awakening is on the horizon and you are part of it. In the end God wins. https://t.co/EOk3P4eWMy
Unveiling Carroll Quigley: The Mind Behind Globalism
Meet Carroll J. Quigley Full Documentary Bill Clinton's globalist mentor and handler. Like all illuminati Secret Brotherhood elites, Carroll J. Quigley hated Nationalism. Quigley actively pushed the New World Order Agenda. https://t.co/9ts5Dq1X74
THE NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA SECRET SOCIETIES AND SYMBOLISM The Vatican is not following Christ. They perverted Christianity, blending it with the Ancient Mystery Babylon Religion, and hide under the guise of Christianity Satan has always taken truth and twists/perverts it https://t.co/lTB7qndV5U
THE BLACK POPE In the dark halls of the Vatican, there is a very powerful man. He is known as the Superior General of the Jesuits who goes by the name, the Black Pope. https://t.co/bpuBRE6tW0
Unlocking the Mysteries: The Illuminati Flame Revealed
THE FRANKLIN COVERUP, FOSTER CARE CHILDREN, AND SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE Children were brainwashed and trafficked within the foster care system to perform horrific acts for high-ranking government officials and members of high society. GRAPHIC Credit: @TheMouthyBuddha https://t.co/95gI6zGErI
STOPPING THE NEW WORLD ORDER John F McManus is a Marine Veteran and member of the John Birch Society. In this lecture he exposes in detail, The New World Order agenda with quotes, documents, and other materials, and what we can do to combat it. I highly recommend taking notes https://t.co/riSHZLoNuU
BABY TRACKING COMPANIES TIED TO EPSTEIN RING AND ASSOCIATES How are Lifetouch, Certa-Scan, Shutterfly, Apollo Global (Leon Black), Chuck E. Cheese and much more involved in global child trafficking? Jewely Blue breaks it down X: @hollywood2pt0 Rumble: https://t.co/5sx9iVpSwPhttps://t.co/J2p3t9RLRb
WHAT IS RED MERCURY? Red Mercury is an element known as "Vampire Blood" that is touted as a free energy source, possibly used throughout our hidden history. Why is the government so adamant about discrediting its existence when we know it exists? https://t.co/DcGzT916if
ANTHONY BOURDAIN MURDERED FOR EXPOSING THE ILLUMINATI Jay Myers covers the mysterious circumstances surrounding Anthony Bourdains supposed "suicide" and the information he held that would expose the Cabal. https://t.co/VdSZFuphoH
PODESTA BROTHERS AND MADELEINE MCANN CONNECTION Since everyone is talking about John Podesta, let's remember the time John Podesta and his brother Tony Podesta were in the same location when Madeleine McCann disappeared. https://t.co/0UkRkt4AZm
THE ADL COVERUP OF THE LEO FRANK RAPE AND MURDER OF MARY PHAGAN Leo Frank was president of the Atlanta chapter of the B'nai B'rith a Masonic Order. He raped and murdered Mary Phagan 13. Some claim it was a ritual sacrifice. As a result, the ADL formed. Credit: @reallygraceful https://t.co/y5IbArFmKY
BABY TRACKING COMPANIES TIED TO EPSTEIN RING AND ASSOCIATES How are Lifetouch, Certa-Scan, Shutterfly, Apollo Global (Leon Black), Chuck E. Cheese and much more involved in global child trafficking? Jewely Blue breaks it down X: @hollywood2pt0 Rumble: https://t.co/5sx9iVpSwPhttps://t.co/J2p3t9RLRb
WACO, THE BIG LIE 1993 Linda Thompson This was one of the first tapes that actually got to the average joe about the slaughter of the Branch Davidians. This video sparked a massive patriot movement in the 1990s after our government murdered innocent civilians Part 2 below https://t.co/wQjzBjtPNv
ELITE TUNNEL BANQUET OF 1903 In 1903, a strange event occurred in a large underground tunnel in Waterloo, Iowa. Around 450 elites had a banquet in the new "sewer system construction." Is there more going on? Thanks @battleofever for sharing Credit MindUnveiled YouTube https://t.co/diYpdMuPeY
CHILD TRAFFICKING AND MKULTRA OPS Illuminati child trafficking operations involve children who are sold into MKUltra programs to be used as mind control slaves. Full Documentary https://t.co/JUEiuLgtB7
THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE ILLUMINATI The Bavarian Illuminati was founded in 1776 in Bavaria, Germany by Adam Weishaupt The goal was to infiltrate government and religion in the West, in a plan for total world domination using the Ancient Mystery Babylon system. https://t.co/Yh1GRNo713
Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit - Award-Winning 2016 Expos!
AGENDA 2: MASTERS OF DECEIT Full Documentary A hard hitting film that exposes the powerful global interests who seek to destroy the very fabric of America, to be used for the agenda of the New World Order. It received the award for "Best Documentary" in 2016 https://t.co/hKaGdRzEFC
Date added (newest)
Hidden Military Underworld
Unveiling Truth: Is the New World Order Real?
Jekyll Island: Unmasking the Federal Reserve - A William T. Stil
Dark Secrets: Foster Care's Sinister Underworld
Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit - Award-Winning 2016 Expos!
Unmasking the New World Order: An Insight into the Secret Brothe
Inside the Deception: Media Control and Operation Mockingbird -
Unmasking Darkness: Fiona Barnett\'s Battle Against Satanic Abus
Unveiling Global Unity: The U.N.\'s Vision of One World Governme
Unveiling the Podesta Link to the McCann Case
Exposing MKUltra: CIA\'s Covert Mind Control Operation Full Do
THE NEW WORLD ORDER WANTS YOU Don't worry kids, the NWO is just a conspiracy! Don't look into it, just keep watching your manufactured entertainment and reading your MSM headlines! The 2 party system is not by design! The global technocracy is only your imagination! https://t.co/a4zunBVF0Y
Jekyll Island: Unmasking the Federal Reserve - A William T. Stil
JEKYLL ISLAND: THE TRUTH BEHIND THE FEDERAL RESERVE | WILLIAM T. STILL Full Documentary Unless we get rid of the disease known as the Federal Reserve, no amount of change within government will fix anything. It's just putting a bandaid on the wound as Americans slave away. https://t.co/ty3MuQiM4U
THE FRANKLIN COVERUP, FOSTER CARE CHILDREN, AND SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE Children were brainwashed and trafficked within the foster care system to perform horrific acts for high-ranking government officials and members of high society. GRAPHIC Credit: @TheMouthyBuddha https://t.co/95gI6zGErI
Agenda 2: Masters of Deceit - Award-Winning 2016 Expos!
AGENDA 2: MASTERS OF DECEIT Full Documentary A hard hitting film that exposes the powerful global interests who seek to destroy the very fabric of America, to be used for the agenda of the New World Order. It received the award for "Best Documentary" in 2016 https://t.co/hKaGdRzEFC
Unmasking the New World Order: An Insight into the Secret Brothe
THE SECRET BROTHERHOOD AND THE NEW WORLD ORDER AGENDA Full Documentary To all who claim to understand the NWO agenda. If you don't know the history, how can you begin to comprehend the evil you are seeing today? Let's go back to the origins of the Secret Brotherhood. https://t.co/OLd8xiRB6J
Inside the Deception: Media Control and Operation Mockingbird -
ILLUMINATI MEDIA MIND CONTROL AND OPERATION MOCKINGBIRD Full Documentary What if the New World Order convinced the entire population to place brainwashing machines inside their home, which is supposed to be a sanctuary and protected space to raise your family? Turn it off. https://t.co/nhnj6SqG1R
Unmasking Darkness: Fiona Barnett\'s Battle Against Satanic Abus
CANDY GIRL: SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE SURVIVOR FIONA BARNETT Full Documentary 2018 Fiona Barnett revisits SRA sites and tells what she endured at the hands of Antony Kidman at CIA MKUltra research labs at Sydney University, Holsworthy Army Base & Lucas Heights ANSTOW nuclear reactor https://t.co/S69rHqNgFA
Unveiling Global Unity: The U.N.\'s Vision of One World Governme
THE U.N. DECEPTION: THE NWO ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT Full Documentary "The age of nations must end. The governments of nations have decided to order their separate sovereignties into one government to which they will surrender their arms." - U.N. World Constitution https://t.co/vFmZfkgfJd
PODESTA BROTHERS AND MADELEINE MCANN CONNECTION Since everyone is talking about John Podesta, let's remember the time John Podesta and his brother Tony Podesta were in the same location when Madeleine McCann disappeared. https://t.co/0UkRkt4AZm
Exposing MKUltra: CIA\'s Covert Mind Control Operation Full Do
MONARCH MIND CONTROL FULL DOCUMENTARY MKUktra was an illegal mind control program to create subservient humans to be used for covert operations such as assassinations, sex trafficking etc, with the inability to remember. The program was funded by the CIA. https://t.co/CEGFTxoD88