COVID AND CANCER What You Need To Know - Nathan Crane

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3 years

COVID, Cancer, and the Vaccine: What’s the Connection?

I think we can all agree that the world has changed dramatically due to COVID.

Suddenly the freedom to choose one’s own health path has been erased or at least blurred.

Many people who would never voluntarily get vaccinated are reluctantly rolling up their sleeve in order to travel, attend indoor events, stay enrolled in school, and even to be allowed to keep their jobs.

If you’re someone doing everything you can to avoid the jab, you’re likely experienc- ing limitations on your personal movement and perhaps significant financial reper- cussions.

On the other side of the coin are those of you who have accepted the vaccination – either willingly or unwillingly.

No matter which camp you fall into, this e-book is for you.

While it may seem like battle lines have been drawn, we all have something in com- mon...

We’re all part of a living scientific experiment as either a test subject (vaccinated) or part of the control (unvaccinated).


What will the long-term effects of our personal decision be?

Despite all the confident assurances that the vaccines are perfectly safe, 1 the hard fact remains that there are zero long-term studies into what impact (if any) these new vaccines will have on our health now and long into the future.

None of us can positively predict the future. Not your family doctor, the CDC, FDA, Pfizer, or Moderna. Not Dr. Fauci, the mainstream media, or any President or Prime Minister.

We just don’t know yet what we don’t know. That will only come with the clarity of hindsight.

What we do know is that there have been adverse effects already experienced by po- tentially millions of people after taking the Covid vaccine, up to and including thou- sands of reported deaths. 2, 3, 4

Another thing we know is that almost all vaccines contain ingredients with undesir- able side effects. Some are even known to cause cancer.

We’ll delve into both of these subjects a bit further on in this report.

My work for the past 15 years has primarily been focused on natural health and well- ness, and for the past decade, has mostly centered around how to prevent and heal from cancer.

If there’s any good news to be had in all of the chaos we’re living in today... it’s that the proven steps for helping to prevent and heal from cancer are the same strategies that can:

4help prevent COVID
4help the body detox from the COVID vaccine, and 4help you recover from the virus if you do become ill

In short, these steps center around immune system optimization.