Lizardgate: Why 1,000,000 children are consumed in ritual blood sex sacrifices yearly!
Atlanta Mayor Keisha 'Yo Can Kiss my ASS' Bottoms is a shapeshifting lizard!! !!Adrenogate!!
Windigo the shapeshifters w/ insatiable appetite for humans! Kamela Harris is a clone & more!
Ritual blood sex sacrifice occurs in a Masonic Temple! Children? Ask them yourself!
Masonic blood ritual sacrifice 4 success is what occurs N a Satanic Lodge! Are they not being clear?
Joe Biden 47th VPOTUS is a shapeshifting lizard! !!Lizardgate!! !!!!Adrenogate!!!!
FreeMasons the invisible enemy that have subverted and perverted everything! Traitors 2 humanity!
Satanist Nancy Pelosi: The Pizza Movie you can't unsee!
Chris Cuomo is a shapeshifting lizard!! !!Lizardgate!! !!!!Adrenogate!!!!
Pedogate / Pizzagate: Definition of a chicken (boy) and chicken hawk - Pedovore!! !!Adrenogate!!
Pedovores Johnny Carson & Richard Pryor mock victims of Masonic (Satanic) ritual sexual abuse!
Arkansas Governor and Oklahoma Mayor are shapeshifting lizards! !!Lizardgate!! !!!!Adrenogate!!!!
History of Freemasons infiltration, subversion & perversion of our Constitution & country!
Conan O'Brien's Late Show with shapeshifter W. Kamau Bell! Lizardgate!! !Adrenogate!
They think we are 2 stupid to get it! 222 months from 911 to 311 = Freemasons!
Jenna Bush is a shapeshifting lizard!! !!Adrenogate!!
FreeMason Satanist Lee Daniels adrenochrome mockery & more
Raw Footage: Chris Cuomo's Shapeshifting Hologram Clone Malfunction On CNN (15 Minutes)
Satanic "Elite Communications" Decoded: Gematria (Kabbalah) 911-311-Paradise etc.
Never forget 8:46: 911 & 222 months to 311! Openly mock us! 3-22-80 = Georgia Tombstones 4 humanity
Gematria: Kelly Ripa & Ryan Seacrest coronavirus Kabbalah code! Before 1st US Case: 6/29 - 30 reset
Phonetic-Crypto-Alphabet Gematria Cipher Broken!
Rose Hannah: "Coronagate- Dates of; Kobe's death, COVID, George Floyd, fore-known/telegraphed/coded months ahead":
For all code words used by the Cabal (Kabbalistic elites in government and Hollywood) and exposed in this video are viewable
I knew nothing about Freemasonry until "Butch" Conway, Judge Hamil, DA "Danny" Porter and their Consigliere Alvin "AB" Brooks taught me all about it. Masonic = Satanic. Any group of people that plot to harm their neighbors is pure evil!
"Freemason Judges: The Ultimate Scum and Filth":
Mrs. State of Georgia Superior Court Judge Sheriff "Butch" Conway:
Sheriff "Butch" Conway is a son of a bitch:
Worse than Gitmo?
Another 75 inmates come forward due to torture! 112, but not me!?
Deacon Fred Williams: 4 minutes in jail:
Largest fraud/RICO in American History!
SWAT standoff: Eviction results in 4-hour incident with homeowner and wife assaulted:
Masons take a blood oath 2 keep illegal secrets, noose round neck 2 obey master 2 become gods 2 us!
The Eye of Horus!on Them tube:
God bless this land!