Deceivers communications "symbology" is simple but levels? They are traitors to humanity! Pure evil!
Who is us? Anyone that did not put a hood over their head and noose around their neck and take a death blood oath to keep illegal secrets and lie at all times!
Resign now you berders!
It goes without saying!
Are you deaf and stupid?
Bayview loves to rip off seniors with accounting.
Australia being incinerated - need boats - water to escape.
Fanning the flames of war on California ~ Pt. 5 ~ Last call paradise lost.
Conclusive photos prove California is under attack.
Paradise Lost; The Great California Fire Chronicles ~New free book.
1,000,000 children are consumed in ritual blood sex sacrifices yearly!
Satanist Nancy Pelosi: The pizza movie you can't unsee!!
Windigo the shapeshifters w/ insatiable appetite for humans! Kamela Harris is a clone & more!
Ritual blood sex sacrifice occurs in a Masonic temple! Children? Ask them yourself!
Masonic blood ritual sacrifice 4 success is what occurs n a satanic lodge! Are they not being clear?
Pedovores Johnny Carson & Richard Pryor mock victims of Masonic (satanic) ritual sexual abuse!
Never forget! They think we are 2 stupid to get it! 222 months from 911 to 311 = Freemasons!
Pedogate / Pizzagate: Definition of a chicken (boy) and chicken hawk - Pedovore!! !!Adrenogate!!
Satanic (Masonic) gematria celebrity communications: Obama & the fig tree parable, days of Noah fast approaching.
Chris Cuomo's shapeshifting hologram clone malfunction on CNN (15 minutes).
Never forget 8:46: 911 & 222 months to 311! Openly mock us! 3-22-80 = Georgia tombstones 4 humanity.
Gematria: Kelly Ripa & Ryan Seacrest coronavirus Kabbalah code! Before 1st US case:6/29 - 30 reset.
Rose Hannah: "Coronagate- Dates of; Kobe's death, Covid, George Floyd, fore-known/telegraphed/coded months ahead".
For all code words used by the cabal (Kabbalistic elites in government and Hollywood) the dates/time frames/Greek and Hebrew gematria used used by cabal and exposed in this video are viewable here for future study and proof:
(With viewable timeline).
They are all guilty! They just have different roles!
History of Freemasons infiltration, subversion & perversion of our constitution & country!
"Freemason judges: The ultimate scum and filth".
Mrs. State of Georgia Superior Court Judge Sheriff "Butch" Conway.
Sheriff "Butch" Conway is a son of a bitch.
Worse than Gitmo?
Another 75 inmates come forward due to torture! 112, but not me.
Deacon Fred Williams: 4 minutes in jail.
Largest fraud/RICO in American history!
Swat standoff: Eviction results in 4-hour incident with homeowner and wife assaulted.
The eye of Horus!on them tube.
God bless this land!