Pyramid of financial power - voice-over

Conspyre Photo

6 years

My first interview: Ronald Bernard - My revelations part 1, went viral and there were more than 18 million views worldwide (reference date 09-06-2017). We received a lot of grateful replies and many questions were asked. The main asked questions will be answered in part 3 and 4.

In part 2 of the DVM-TV interview, I explain the Pyramid of Power and how it affects our daily lives. The world population in general has been robbed of its value in a "legal" way. I show you how the rich are getting richer and more powerful. And why the masses often live in scarcity.

More information about how all wars are created by bankers:
The original DVM-TV video was published on June 9, 2017. Source:
My facebook page:

Regarding some misunderstandings created by the people:

- I'm not a whistleblower, I reveal my life experiences.
- I'm not a former banker, the bankers were my clients.
- I'm not an ex-Illuminati member, I only worked for them.
- I didn't DIE for the second time:

I was a dealer, serving the big money with asset management, forex- and deposit trading.