Advanced Rocket Secrets and Hidden Space Technologies

Zohar Stargate Photo

Zohar Stargate
3 years

David Adair was a child prodigy when it came to astrophysics and rocket science, voraciously reading through all of the relevant literature he could find at his local library. According to his story, when a local librarian noticed he was correcting the flawed data in astrophysics texts, she was amazed and ordered him hundreds more. Adair became enamored with space travel, designing rocket propulsion systems with cryogenic fluids. Eventually this led to his creation of a new type of system that had never before been created, the electromagnetic fusion containment engine. With this engine, he says, his rocket could propel from zero to 8,654 mph in just over four seconds. David discusses some of his lifes work and secret technology that's currently in use.


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