The Sound of Silence (revised for 2021)

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3 years 400 Views


Lord of Dankness my old friend

Normies oppressing us again

Watching commies flee on live streaming

Farming keks with all this dank meme-ing

Fight the brainwashing that was planted while in Yale…

“Fuckin’ white male”

Fighting for “Social Justice”

In Linda’s dreams I’d be a cuck,

But I’ve no time for “peaceful trucks.”

Swimming through their sea of Marxist tears

Allied with my fellow red-pilled peers,

When my rage was stoked by the blur of an airbourne brick,

Based man with stick.

Resist the cult of Commies

And in the Berkeley streets I saw,

Ten hundred retards maybe more,

People shouting “Nazi!” at centrists

Pissed off, hysterical, masked Bolshevists.

People crying, “Racist!” At shit we never said…

And then they fled…

Disturbed by sense, and logic.

“Priv’leged?” - O, you spoilt brat!

Your Bourgeois cult needs chemo… Stat!

Your “Gender Studies” teachers mislead you.

Nurture violence against Homo Jews.

Yet it’s you… Who claim we’re Hitler’s fans??

It’s time to face the mirror.

Righteous people rose and Ree’d!

The Verdant God that they decreed!

Kekistanis. So merry! So gay!

Proudly sing their anthem, “Shadilay!”

And the polls said that Demon Hill’re wouldn’t ever have to take her lumps.

“Can’t stump the Trump.”

So much for “Social Justice…”