Greedgeist - Down The Rabbit Hole (2020)

Conspyre Photo

4 years

Greedgeist looks at our relationship with money and the manifestation of greed in our culture, all seen through the camera lens of journalists from around the world. Greedgeist reveals how money, and the laws that govern it, is being debated by politicians, corporations, and our learning institutions and the polarizing affect of greed in the world at large and in our daily lives.

Greed has permeated our culture so much ...

... that it is now tolerated in some sectors. We need to recognize and shame the parasites that infect and damage so much of what the rest of us build. In aid of this, I invented a new word; it's a portmanteau of greedy and creep: GREEP.

GREEPS are the kind of people that double your grandparents' electricity bill and then laugh about it. They won't fix a product defect that's maiming and killing people because they decided it's cheaper to just pay off the few that sue them. They borrow billions from their friends at the bank (who created it from nothing) and use it to buy companies that they bankrupt, strip of all assets, fire the employees, loot their pension funds, and make the company pay back the money they borrowed in the first place. If they break a law while greeping, they bribe the politicians to retroactively repeal the law, or just pay a token fine and continue!

Greeps need to be exposed, publicly shamed, and purged from humanity with extreme prejudice.