How Pizzagate is Connected to the Pedophile NXIVM Child Traffcking Cult, The Cafritz Family!

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7 months
Pamela Cafritz was a prominent figure in the controversial organization NXIVM. She was the daughter of Washington socialites Buffy and William Cafritz.

Cafritz was a high-ranking member of NXIVM and the longtime partner of Keith Raniere, the leader of the organization. She supported Raniere both in his professional and personal life, and her involvement in the group has been linked to enabling Raniere's questionable activities.

After her death from renal cancer at the age of 57 in 2016, Cafritz remained relevant to the organization. She was known for her involvement in co-founding Jness, a women's group within NXIVM - the group Allison Mack would take over and turn into a slavery system.

Her mother, Buffy Cafritz, was a well-known DC socialite.


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50 views Dec 19, 2023