Roseanne on Israel

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11 months 69 Views
I hope everyone who is enraged about the horrors in Israel and calling for attacks on Iran can take a few minutes to watch this clip. talked about a time she was in Israel with her friends/family and how all their phones rang at the same time with people calling from Iran, and they were calling to tell them that they don't hate Israel or the Jewish people, and they're not going along with their government and the radical zealots, thinking it's corrupt.
Imagine being an Iranian civilian and watching the recent US news clips of Lindsey Graham, Nikki Haley, and all the other war mongering lunatics screaming on the news to bomb Iran immediately.
It has to be horrifying feeling considering it's the US, which is the most terrifying force the world has ever seen, so I'm sure there are people there are eager to tell the world that their government is corrupt and sucks, so please don't bomb us.
Do you think something deeper is happening to the people in every country we are waking up to the realities of our captured demonic governments? Do you think the majority of us are finally starting to see how we've being manipulated and directed towards a future none of us want?
I hope so. I just don't know how we get the power back when they have all the weapons and have captured everything for themselves.