Operation Ranchhand

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11 months 28 Views
Weather weapons being used now? That's either an act of god or some state entity is using weather modification tech to buy time or something.
Iran threatened Israel with an earthquake already as well, so you should be aware of more advanced weaponry being used as things escalate. Everyone arguing about this conflict in the context of the old tools of war like guns, bombs, and soldiers is naive.
Israel, with it's greatest ally in the US, has advanced technology so far beyond any of our comprehension. I'm sure the military industrial complex has been eager to flex their technology to the world to let everyone know who's boss. I'm waiting to see some more of the directed energy weapon and weather modification tech like what was used in Maui.
We used weather warfare decades ago in Vietnam, along with LBJ saying the quiet parts out loud about dominion over the weather, so idk why people can't imagine or accept that it's being used now. Every country already admits to doing it for private interests, so obviously military will use it as a weapon. They use everything as a weapon.
Welcome to the future. War should be great time for all of us civilians being played as pawns by a bunch of mad scientist transhumanist elites who are obsessed with depopulation.