Mike Wallace w/Israeli Ambassador to the US, Abba Eban, April 58'

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In April of 1958, Mike Wallace of 60 minutes interviewed the Israeli Ambassador to the US, Abba Eban, and asked him a question about territorial expansion into Palestine.
He answered and declared that Israel will sign a peace treaty agreement with the Arab states on the present lines of territory, but then Mike Wallace brought up another party in Israel called the Herut party, which was a Zionist party that wanted additional expansion into Palestine and further displacement, but didn't have enough seats in parliament in comparison to the Ben-Gurion party (Ben-Gurion was the founder of the state of Israel). While this party had less seats in 1948, it officially merged with the current ruling Likud party in 1988, which Netanyahu is now a part of.
Wonder why the MSM doesn't tell you about this part of the history... Seems incredibly relevant and important to the context of today.
You can never really understand the truth of any situation without first going back in history.