Conspyre Photo

1 year
The Engame documentary is about White Genocide. Yes, this is a Truth, not a Conspiracy Theory. It is one of the goals of the JEWISH GLOBALIST COMMUNIST SATANIC CABAL for their New World Order. They push multiculturalism & diversity, forced integration, forced immigration, and forced assimilation. Especially after Adolf Hitler and the Germans exposed the Jews and their JEWRY to the entire world. The Jews want all races on earth to be mixed, especially White European Races, but of course, not the Jews themselves. They consider Jews (the other White Race) as god's Chosen People. They will NEVER call themselves Whites, they are Jews. All other non-Jewish races are called GOYIM or the inferior people/races. Jews worship their small 'g' god known as Satan/Lucifer, and some of them also use the terms Baal & Baphomet. Take the time to watch THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN and THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION documentaries linked below so you know what the Jews have planned in their UN Agenda 21/Agenda 2030. They specifically talk about mixing of races in an effort to lose racial identity, lower national pride, and to eliminate patriotism. Racism is racism. Anti-whiteism is Racism. You can be proud of whatever race you are, and you can be proud of whatever culture you are living in or from. Don't let any race take away your IDENTITY and turn you into a Globalist Communist Satanist. They also push Transhumanism, Transgenderism, Homosexuality, Child Sex, LGBTQP normalization, breakdown of the family units, breakdown of moral values, and breakdown of Christian values. IT IS WE THE PEOPLE AGAINST THEM, GOYIM AGAINST JEW, GOD AGAINST SATAN, GOOD AGAINST EVIL, LIGHT AGAINST DARK, FREEDOM AGAINST SLAVERY, NATIONALISM AGAINST GLOBALISM!!! If you choose to move to another country or marry another race that is fine, the problem is with the word FORCED and that only Whites can be RACISTS. The Jews think that non-Whites and mixed races (Jews call them the MUD RACE) will be EASIER TO CONTROL. Please Wake Up!!!