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Kerry Lynn Cassidy is the CEO and Founder of Project Camelot and Project Camelot TV Network LLC. She is a broadcaster, documentary filmmaker and investigative reporter. In November 2005 she began filming documentary interviews and in April 2006 she teamed up with Bill Ryan and founded Project Camelot. For over 17 years, Kerry has been traveling the world conducting interviews and documenting the testimony of whistleblowers with above top secret clearances as well as authors, researchers and experiencers covering conspiracies, the secret space program, black projects, ETs, free energy and more. As an intuitive, and remote viewer, Kerry has spent years researching the occult and studying Eastern philosophy. While spending dedicated time in meditation, she linked her chakras in her 20s and has had multiple samadhi experiences since then. Kerry pioneered the now-infamous Camelot “guerilla” interview style that captures the drama of the interpersonal dynamic between interviewer and interviewee as well as an approach that enables the viewer to determine whether the truth is being told, some facsimile thereof, or a lie. Kerry speaks at conferences around the world. She has produced several highly regarded conferences with the trademark name Awake and Aware featuring key witnesses and researchers that are part of the Camelot history of interviews. KERRY’S BLOG has gone viral and become a must-see news commentary space picked up by alternative news organizations around the world. Alan Fountain of Georgia Families 4 Justice updates us on his fight to end Satanic child abuse. Daniel Satchkov of Bastyon introduces us to a revolutionary social media platform. Brad Olsen returns to discuss the latest in his Esoteric book series. Leave the world you think you know behind and join us at the Dark Outpost!