Have you been fooled by the war-mongering death-cult?

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11 months 3 Views
If you were fooled by the war mongering death cult, it's because you wanted to be fooled.
There are only 2 possible reasons you wanted to be fooled:
1. You want WW3 because you secretly support the globalist depopulation agendas that they've been wanting and driving for decades to "save the planet", along with enacting more PatriotAct like totalitarian controls to "stop terrorism" like post 9/11.
2. You're being naive and didn't learn your lesson from COVID and the vaccine, 9/11, weapons of mass destruction war in Iraq, and thousands of other examples of why you shouldn't blindly trust the narratives coming from repeatedly proven criminal liars and degenerates in the government, mainstream media, and every apparatus and institution in between now driving us to war with Iran.
Hamas is like ISIS/Al Qaeda/etc, a product of intelligence agencies where they were either strategically facilitate or allow the death of their own civilians to continually fuel the war on terror and more power and control to the death cult.
When people finally started becoming united on COVID, vaccines, and how corrupt and evil the government is for what they did in the last 3 years, they had to bust out the terrorism card to get people divided again and lose all the correct perceptions of authority and the narratives they peddle.
It's called 9/11 brain.