U.S. Government Stages Fake Coup To Wipe Out National Debt

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11 months 12 Views

"With the national debt at more than 10 trillion dollars, the white house today enacted an emergency plan to eliminate all the the US financial obligations to foreign nations by faking a violent coup of the American government".

This is a 15 year old skit from the Onion, back when it was actually funny and independent. Now it's just awful.

$10 trillion in debt are some rookie numbers. We'll probably be over $40 trillion by the end of the year, especially if we get ourselves into another war, which is almost a certainty at this point.

I also unironically think this could happen at some point lmao. There is no possible way any of the debt is ever going to be paid back because it's not intended to be paid back, so the only solution would be some catastrophic event or a legit coup to get rid of it and start over. A lot of people thought the NESARA/GESARA stuff was coming back in 2020, but it never came. War would be another good excuse for the great reset.